Students' Journal of Economic and Management 2019-04-26T10:49:38+07:00 Open Journal Systems PENGARUH KETIDAKPUASAN KONSUMEN, KUALITAS PRODUK DAN PERSEPSI HARGA TERHADAP PERPINDAHAN MEREK SMARTPHONE] BLACKBERRY KE SAMSUNG (Studi Pada Masyarakat Kota Semarang) 2019-03-29T09:22:45+07:00 Hendrik Dwi Helichonia Euis Soliha <p>Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis variabel ketidakpuasan konsumen, kualitas produk dan persepsi harga terhadap perpindahan merek smartphone merek Blackberry ke smartphone merek Samsung di Kota Semarang. Jumlah sampel dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 100 responden. Teknik sampling yang digunakan adalah <em>purposive sampling </em>dimana yang menjadi responden adalah konsumen yang pernah berpindah merek dari Blackberry ke Samsung. Pengumpulan data menggunakan metode penyebaran kuesioner. Analisis data menggunakan regresi linier berganda.</p> <p>Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa variabel ketidakpuasan konsumen berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap perpindahan merek. Hal ini menunjukan bahwa semakin tinggi ketidakpuasan konsumen Blackberry maka keputusan beralih merek dari Blackberry ke Samsung akan semakin meningkat. Kualitas produk berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap perpindahan merek. Artinya semakin tinggi kualitas produk suatu barang maka semakin tinggi pula kemungkinan untuk berpindah merek. Dan persepsi harga berpengaruh negatif tetapi tidak signifikan sehingga persepsi harga tidak berpengaruh terhadap perpindahan merek. Hal ini dimungkinkan karena sebagian besar responden dalam melakukan perpindahan merek bersikap tidak rasional dan melihat dari segi persepsi harga.</p> 2019-03-29T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PENGARUH KUALITAS PRODUK DAN PERSEPSI HARGA TERHADAP KEPUASAN KONSUMEN ( Studi Pada Warung Makan Bakso Setan Di Semarang) 2019-03-29T09:35:45+07:00 M. Fatoni Fajar M. Bambang Sutejo <p><em>This study aims to analyze the effect of product quality and price perception on customer satisfaction Bakso Setan</em><em> Restaurant </em><em>in Semarang.</em><em> Location of this research was conducted at Bakso Setan Restaurant in Semarang. The population in this study were all buyers at Bakso Setan Restaurant. Population is not recorded and sampling using the Wibisono’s method.</em></p> <p><em>Research samples were 110 respondents. The sampling technique is done by using purposive sampling, which is a sample determination technique with certain considertations. The criteria used in sampling with purposive sampling methode are consumers who buy meatballs and eat on-site, who have at least high school education</em> <em>with age above 17 years. Data analyze method uses multiple regression.</em><em> Analysis methode uses multiple linier regression with SPSS softwere. </em><em>The results</em><em> of the research are the same as the result of thr hypothesis. Product quality has a positve effect on customer satisfaction and price perception has a positive effect on customer satisfaction. The conclusion, if product quality is improved then customer satisfaction will incease and then perception of price is lowered, customer satisfaction will be better. </em><em>&nbsp;of the first hypothesis testing show that partially (individuals) there is a positive and significant influence between Product Quality on Customer Satisfaction and partially (individuals) there is a positive and significant influence between Price Perception and Customer Satisfaction.</em></p> 2019-03-29T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PENGARUH KOMPETENSI, LOCUS OF CONTROL, DAN PENGEMBANGAN KARIR TERHADAP KINERJA PEGAWAI (STUDI PADA PENGADILAN TATA USAHA NEGARA SEMARANG) 2019-03-29T09:51:09+07:00 Danny Agus Prabowo Sri Rahayuningsih <p><em>This research aims to examine and analyze the influence</em><em> of competencies, locus of control, and career development on employee performance. The object of research in this paper is the employee of the Semarang State Administrative Court. The sampling technique in this research use the census method by 65 respondents.&nbsp;</em><em> Analysis of the data used includes validity test with KMO (Kaiser Meyer Olkin), reliability test with Alpha Cronbach, multiple regression analysis, model test with&nbsp; Adjusted R square and f test, t test to test and prove research hypothesis. The results of the research are: (1) Competence has a positive and significant effect on employee performance. (2) Locus of control has a positive and significant effect on employee performance. (3) Career development has a positive and significant effect on employee performance.</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em><strong><em>Keywords :</em></strong><strong><em>Competence, locus of control, career development and employee performance</em></strong></p> 2019-03-29T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PENGARUH GAYA KEPEMIMPINAN, KOMPENSASI, DAN KEPUASAN KERJA TERHADAP KINERJA PEGAWAI (STUDI PADA PEGAWAI BADAN KEPEGAWAIAN, PENDIDIKAN, DAN PELATIHAN KOTA SEMARANG) 2019-03-29T09:59:07+07:00 Januar Pajriono <p><em>Employee performance in offices is influenced by many factors, including leadership style, employees level of satisfaction felt, and compensation. Employee performance is determined by the leadership style of the </em><em>leader</em><em>, adequate compensation, and perceived job satisfaction, so that good performance will always provide a good contribution to the employee, so that the employee will always have a interest for his work. Optimal employee performance is an important aspect in an organization, because it can determine the ability, productivity and level of service that can be achieved. A good leadership style makes employees excited and motivated to produce good performance in line with expectations. Adequate employee compensation is a driver for everyone to be able to do a good job. The higher the satisfaction, the better the performance of employees. An assessment of the performance of employees must be carried out, but an assessment of the performance of Civil Servants (PNS) in the Semarang City administration is still rare.</em></p> <p><em>This study aims to analyze the influence of leadership style, compensation, and job satisfaction </em><em>towrads </em><em>employee performance. </em><em>The number of samples is 100 respondents. The research instrument used a questionnaire. Data analysis using multiple linear regression. </em><em>Based on the results of the study that leadership style, compensation, and job satisfaction have positive effect </em><em>towards </em><em>employee performance. Therefore, so that the performance of BKPP Semarang City employees gets better, leadership style, compensation, and job satisfaction are increasingly improved.</em></p> 2019-03-29T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PENGARUH DISIPLIN KERJA, MOTIVASI KERJA, KOMPENSASI TERHADAP KINERJA KARYAWAN (Studi Pada CV. Dewan Jaya Plastik) 2019-03-29T10:02:59+07:00 Prada Eka Bunariyanto Sri Rahayuningsih <p><em>This study aims to analyze the influence of work discipline, work motivation and compensation on employee performance on CV. Dewan Jaya Plastik Juwana. The population in this study were employees of CV. Dewan Jaya Plastik Juwana. 125 respondents using simple saturated techniques. Data is collected using survey methods through questionnaires filled out by employees. data analysis includes: Validity Test, Reliability Test, and using Multiple Regression test. The results of this study indicate that the work motivation has the greatest influence on performance, followed by work discipline and compensation.</em></p> 2019-03-29T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PENGARUH KUALITAS LAYANAN DAN KEPERCAYAAN TERHADAP KEPUASAN PASIEN DAN DAMPAK KEPADA LOYALITAS PELANGGAN (Studi pada Puskesmas Pulokulon I Kabupaten Grobogan) 2019-03-29T10:06:29+07:00 Prabowo Bekti Santoso <p><em>This study aims to describeand analyze the effect of service quality and trust in patient satisfaction and the impact on patient loyalty at Pulokulon 1 Health Center, Grobogan Regency. </em><em>This study was conduct on patient at the Pulokulon I Health Center, Grobogan Regency. The sampling method used was purposive sampling method, and a sample of 100 respondents was obtained. The method of analysis uses multiple linear regression. Based on the analysis it can be concluded that there is a significant positive effect on service quality variables on patient satisfaction, and has a significant positive effect on service quality variables on patient loyalty. There is a significant positive effect on the variable trust in patient satisfaction and patient loyalty. There is a significant positive effect on patient satisfaction on patient loyalty. Patient satisfaction does not mediate service quality towards patient loyalty. Patient satisfaction does not mediate trust in patient loyalty.</em></p> 2019-03-29T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PENGARUH EFEKTIFITAS IKLAN DAN CITRA MEREK TERHADAP MINAT BELI SEPEDA MOTOR YAMAHA THAMRIN (Studi pada Service Center Yamaha Thamrin Semarang, Jawa Tengah) 2019-03-29T10:13:27+07:00 Samiaji Wicaksono Bambang Sutejo <p><em>This study aims to analyze the effect of advertising effectiveness and brand image on the interest in buying a Yamaha Tamrin Semarang bike. The population in this study were consumers who bought a Yamaha montor bike at Yamaha Tamrin Semarng. The number of samples used in this study were 100 people. Data collection is done by questionnaire with purposive sampling technique. The data analysis technique used is multiple linear regression analysis to determine the effect of variable advertising effectiveness and brand image on the interest in buying a Yamaha Tamrin Semarang bike. The results showed that (1) advertising effectiveness had a positive and significant effect on buying interest (2) brand image had a positive and significant effect on the interest in buying a Yamaha bicycle bike.</em></p> 2019-03-29T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PENGARUH MOTIVASI, DISIPLIN DAN LINGKUNGAN KERJA TERHADAP KINERJA PEGAWAI PADA ( PD. BPR BANK DAERAH PATI ) 2019-03-29T10:17:04+07:00 Emalia Amik Nur Hidayah Penunjang Waruwu <p><em>This study analyzed the effect of motivation, work discipline, and work environment on employee performance. Object of study in this paper is the PD. BPR Bank Daerah Pati . The sampling technique in this research is to use simple random sampling (random) sample of 60 respondents as data collection method using a questionnaire (questionnaire) by distributing a list of questions to the respondent in order to obtain information. </em><em>The data were analyzed using factor analysis to test the validity of the question item, cronbach alpha formula to test the reliability of each of the independent variables were tested by regression analysis. The result showed that the motivationhas a positive effect and significant to the employee performance, work disciplinehas a positive effect and significant to the employee performance, andwork environment has a positive effect and significant to the employee performance.</em></p> 2019-03-29T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## FAKTOR-FAKTOR YANG BERPENGARUH TERHADAP PEMILIHAN METODE AKUNTANSI PERSEDIAAN PADA PERUSAHAAN MANUFAKTUR YANG TERDAFTAR DI BURSA EFEK INDONESIA (BEI) 2019-03-29T10:23:18+07:00 Ulfi Hidayah Yeye Susilowati <p><em>This study aims to analyze the factors that influence the selection of inventory accounting methods in manufacturing companies listed on the Stock Exchange in 2014-2017. The independent variables used in this study are company size, inventory variability, inventory intensity, variability in cost of goods sold, financial leverage, and liquidity. While the dependent variable used in this study is the inventory accounting method in accordance with PSAK No. 14 (2018), namely the FIFO inventory method and the average.</em></p> <p><em>The population used in this study is a manufacturing company listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2014-2017. The method of sampling in this study was purposive sampling method with a total sample of 280 companies. The analytical tool used is logistic regression analysis using the IBM SPSS version 21 program. </em><em>The results showed that the variability of cost of goods sold and liquidity had a significant influence on the selection of inventory accounting methods. While company size, inventory variability, inventory intensity, and financial leverage do not significantly influence the selection of inventory accounting methods.</em></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> 2019-03-29T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## ANALISIS PENGARUH RASIO LIKUIDITAS, RASIO SOLVABILITAS DAN RASIO AKTIVITAS TERHADAP PROFITABILITAS PADA PERUSAHAAN MANUFAKTUR YANG TERDAFTAR DI BURSA EFEK INDONESIA PERIODE TAHUN 2015-2017 2019-04-01T09:22:03+07:00 Anindita Diyah Pratiwi Moch. Irsad, <p><em>This study aims to determine the effect of liquidity ratios, solvability ratios and activity ratios on profitability. This research uses quantitative research. The population in this study are manufacturing companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange continuously during the study period. The sampling method uses a purposive sampling method with a research period of 2015 to 2017. The samples obtained were 57 companies for each period of 2015-2017 so that the data will be observed as many as 171 observation data. The relationship and or influence between variables is explained by using the multiple regression analysis method. The results of this study state that liquidity ratios have a significant positive effect on profitability, solvabulity ratios have a negative and significant effect on profitability and activity ratios have a significant negative effect on profitability.</em></p> 2019-03-29T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PENGARUH DISIPLIN KERJA, KOMITMEN ORGANISASIONAL, DAN MOTIVASI KERJA TERHADAP KINERJA PEGAWAI (Studi pada pegawai Dinas Kepemudaan dan Olahraga Kota Semarang) 2019-04-01T09:25:05+07:00 Ade Veronika Agus Murdiyanto <p><em>This study examines and analyzes the influence of Work Discipline,</em> <em>Organizational</em> <em>Commitment, and Work Motivation on Employee Performance at the </em><em>Dinas Kepemudaan dan Olahraga &nbsp;Kota Semarang</em><em>. Testing the data used in this study include validity test,</em> <em>reliability test, multiple regression analysis, f test and t test. </em><em>The data testing results show valid and reliable results. The results of the analysis and discussion show that: (1) Work Discipline has a positive and significant effect on</em> <em>Employee Performance. (2) Organizational Commitment has a positive and</em> <em>significant effect on Employee Performance. (3) Motivation has a positive and</em> <em>significant effect on Employee Performance.</em></p> 2019-03-29T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PENGARUH KUALITAS PRODUK, CITRA MEREK, PERSEPSI HARGA DAN ELECTRONIC WORD OF MOUTH (EWOM) TERHADAP PROSES KEPUTUSAN PEMBELIAN (Studi Pada Konsumen Semarang Roru Cake) 2019-04-01T09:27:54+07:00 Dewi Ayu Pratiwi dedi@gmail.comm Endang Tjahjaningsih <p><em>This research goal to examine the effect of product quality, brand image, price perception and electronic word of mouth on the Semarang Roru Cake consumer purchasing decision process.The sampling method uses purposive sampling with certain considerations so that the samples used in this study were 97 respondents. The data used is primary data. The data is obtained directly from consumers Semarang Roru Cake who have made a purchase through a questionnaire method. The primary data was analyzed by SPSS through an instrument test in the form of validity and reliability tests, testing the research model in the form of coefficient of determination (R<sup>2</sup>) and F test, multiple linear regression and hypothesis testing in the form of t test.The results of this study indicate that partially, product quality variables have a positive and significant effect on the purchasing decision process, brand image variables have a positive and significant effect on the decision process, price perception variables have a positive and significant effect on the purchasing decision process and electronic word of mouth variables have a positive effect and significant to the process of purchasing decisions.</em></p> 2019-03-29T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PENGARUH CITRA MEREK DAN KEPERCAYAAN TERHADAP MINAT BELI KORAN HARIAN SUARA MERDEKA SEMARANG 2019-04-01T09:32:01+07:00 Gina Devi Avianti Ra Marlien <p><em>This study aims to test and analyze the influence of brand image and trust in buying interest in the Suara Merdeka daily newspaper Semarang. The population in this study were consumers who bought the Suara Merdeka daily newspaper. Because the population was very large, this study took a sample of 101 respondents. The sampling technique in this study used purposive sampling, namely the technique of determining samples with certain criteria, namely those who bought the daily newspaper Suara Merdeka. </em><em>The data used in this study is primary data, with a questionnaire as a research instrument. The analytical tool used is multiple linear regression, validity test, reliability test, F test, coefficient of determination test (R²), and t test, which is then processed by calculation of SPSS (Statistical Product and Solutions) version 19. </em><em>The results showed that brand image and trust has a positive and significant effect on buying interest.</em></p> 2019-03-29T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PENGARUH IKLAN, PERSEPSI HARGA DAN CITRA MEREK TERHADAP PROSES KEPUTUSAN PEMBELIAN SMARTPHONE OPPO DI KOTA SEMARANG 2019-04-01T09:34:17+07:00 Elifta Azizah <p><em>This study aims to analyze the influence of advertising, price perception and brand image on purchasing decision process of Oppo smartphones in the city of Semarang. The sample used in this study was 96 respondents with a sampling technique using purposive sampling method. </em><em>The data used are primary data, then analyzed by SPSS through an instrument test in the form of validity and reliability tests. Then tested with multiple linear regression, testing the research model in the form of test coefficient of determination (R2) and F test, and hypothesis testing in the form of t test. Based on data analysis and hypothesis testing the results show that the advertising variable partially has a positive and significant effect on purchasing decision process. Variable price perception has a positive and significant effect on purchasing decision process. Brand image variables have a positive</em><em> and significant </em><em>effect on purchasing decision process.</em></p> <p><strong><em>&nbsp;</em></strong></p> 2019-03-29T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PENGARUH KUALITAS PRODUK, CITRA MEREK DAN PERSEPSI HARGA TERHADAP KEPUTUSAN PEMBELIAN (Studi Pada Mahasiswa Pengguna Kartu Telkomsel di Universitas Stikubank Semarang) 2019-04-01T10:01:01+07:00 Adhe Riska Wulan Sari <p><em>The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of product quality, brand image price perception on the decision to purchase Telkomsel starter cards (studies on students at Stikubank University Semarang). The independent variable in this study is a purchasing decision.&nbsp;</em><em>&nbsp; The population of this research is the buyers of Telkomsel starter cards at Stikubank University, Semarang. The sample in this study were 100 people. The sampling technique used purposive sampling, the method in data analysis in this study used multiple linear regression analysis with SPSS 20 program.&nbsp;</em><em>&nbsp; Results of the analysis can be concluded that product quality has a positive effect on purchasing decisions, brand image has a positive effect on purchasing decision,. price perception has a positive effect on purchasing decisions.</em></p> 2019-03-29T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## ANALISIS PERILAKU NIAT BERPINDAH PENGGUNA JASA LAYANAN RUMAH KOS (Studi pada konsumen rumah kos di Sampangan) 2019-04-01T10:04:16+07:00 Dian Ika Saputri RA Marlien <p><em>This study aims to examine and analyze the influence of service quality, price, location, and facilities on the intention to move users of boarding house services in Sampangan. The population in this study are consumers who use boarding house services in Sampangan, because the population is very large, this study took a sample of 106 respondents. The sampling technique in this study used purposive sampling, namely the technique of determining samples with certain criteria, namely people who use the services of a boarding house in SampanganThe data used in this study is primary data, with a questionnaire as a research instrument. The analytical tool used is multiple linear regression, validity test, reliability test, F test, coefficient of determination test (R²), and t test, which is then processed by calculation of SPSS (Statistical Product and Solutions) version 19.The results showed that service quality has a positive and significant effect on intention to move, price has a positive and significant effect on intention to move, location has a positive and not significant effect on intention to move and facilities have a positive and insignificant effect on intention to move</em></p> 2019-03-29T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PENGARUH KUALITAS PELAYANAN, HARGA DAN PROMOSI TERHADAP KEPUASAN PELANGGAN PT POS INDONESIA (PERSERO) 2019-04-01T10:07:43+07:00 Septiana Chyntia dewi Mulyo Budi Setiawan <p><em>This study aims to find out: (1) The magnitude of the influence of Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction of PT Pos Indonesia (Persero); (2) The magnitude of the effect of Price on Customer Satisfaction PT. Pos Indonesia (Persero); (3) The magnitude of the influence of Promotion on Customer Satisfaction PT. Pos Indonesia (Persero).&nbsp;</em><em> The population in this study are all customers who use shipping services at PT Pos Indonesia (Persero). The number of samples used in this study were 100 respondents. The sampling technique in this study was using purposive sampling techniques. Data collection techniques are done by distributing questionnaires. Data analysis techniques used include description of research data, validity test, reliability test, prerequisite test analysis and hypothesis testing.&nbsp; </em><em>Multiple linear regression test results show that service quality has a positive and significant effect on customer satisfaction, price does not have a significant effect on customer satisfaction, and promotion does not significantly influence customer satisfaction.</em></p> 2019-03-29T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PENGARUH KEPEMIMPINAN, MOTIVASI , PENGEMBANGAN KARIR, PROMOSI JABATAN TERHADAP KINERJA PEGAWAI (Studi Kasus Biro Kesejahteraan Rakyat Kantor Sekretariat Daerah Provinsi Jawa Tengah) 2019-04-01T10:10:11+07:00 Fatihatul Siyadah Penunjang Waruwu <p><em>The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of Leadership, Motivation, Career Development, and Job Promotion on Employee Performance at the People's Welfare Bureau at the Office of the Regional Secretariat of Central Java Province. This study also aims to jointly influence the four independent variables on the dependent variable and to find out which variables are the most dominant influence among the four independent variables on the dependent variable, the type of research used is qualitative research, with an employee population of 60 employees. Data collection uses a questionnaire with a Likert scale. </em><em>Based on the calculation of SPSS 19 from the t test on leadership variables obtained significance of 0.017&gt; 0.05, Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted, significance motivation variable is 0.380&gt; 0.05, Ho is accepted and Ha is rejected, career development variable is obtained significance 0.066 &lt;0.05 then Ho is accepted and Ha is rejected, the promotion promotion variable is obtained significance of 0.121&gt; 0.05, Ho is rejected and Ha is rejected. The results of the f test show that it affects the dependent variable together. The results of the coefficient of determination obtained a value of 0.309 means that the variables of leadership, motivation, career development, and promotion can explain employee performance 30.9% and the rest influenced by other variables not found in this study.</em></p> 2019-03-29T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PENGARUH KUALITAS PRODUK, CITRA MEREK, DAN PERSEPSI HARGA TERHADAP KEPUTUSAN PEMBELIAN SEPEDA MOTOR HONDA (Studi Pada Konsumen Sepeda Motor di CM JAYA Rembang) 2019-04-01T10:15:53+07:00 Winda Noor Alfiani Mulyo Budi Setiawan <p><em>The purpose of this study was to examine and analyze the effect of product quality, brand image and price perception on the purchase decisions of Honda motorcycles (a case study on motorcycle consumers in CM JAYA Rembang). This study uses purposive sampling research using a questionnaire to 100 respondents. Data analysis techniques are used with multiple linear regression. The results of the analysis can be concluded that: (a) Product quality has a significant effect on purchasing decisions of Honda motorcycles in Rembang City. (b) Brand image has a positive and significant effect on purchasing decisions of Honda motorcycles in Rembang City. (c) Price perception has a positive and significant effect on purchasing decisions of Honda motorcycles in Rembang City.</em></p> 2019-03-29T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PENGARUH KUALITAS PRODUK, CITRA MEREK DAN HARGA TERHADAP PROSES KEPUTUSAN PEMBELIAN (Studi pada Konsumen Sepeda Motor Honda Beat di Kota Semarang) 2019-04-01T10:33:05+07:00 Wulan Salatri Lie Liana <p><em>This study aims to examine and analyze the effect of product quality, brand image, and price on the process of purchasing Honda Beat motorcycles in the city of Semarang. The location of this research is in the city of Semarang.</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah konsumen yang menggunakan dan membeli sepeda motor Honda Beat di Kota Semarang, karena partisipasi yang sangat besar maka penelitian ini mengambil sampel dengan jumlah 100 responden yang terkait dengan pendapat Roscoe dalam bukunya Ferdinand sampel sampel yang lebih besar dari 30 kurang dari 500 penelitian memadai. Teknik pengambilan sampel dalam penelitian ini menggunakan purposive sampling. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini merupakan data primer, dengan kuesioner sebagai instrumen penelitian. Data diolah dengan SPSS (Produk Statistik dan Solusi) versi 19 dan alat analisis yang digunakan adalah regresi linier berganda, uji validitas, uji reliabilitas, uji F, uji koefisien determinasi (R²), dan uji t.</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; The results of the study show that product quality does not affect the purchasing decision process, meaning that the quality of the product has no influence on the purchasing decision process. Brand image has a positive and significant effect on the purchasing decision process, meaning that the better the brand image, the process of purchasing decisions will increase. Price has a positive and significant effect on the purchasing decision process, meaning that the better the price offered, the purchasing decision process will increase.</em></p> <p><strong><em>&nbsp;</em></strong></p> 2019-03-29T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PENGARUH BUDAYA ORGANISASI, KEDISIPLINAN, GAYA KEPEMIMPINAN TRANSFORMASIONAL, DAN GAYA KEPEMIMPINAN TRANSAKSIONAL TERHADAP KINERJA PEGAWAI (Studi pada Dinas Perindustrian, Perdagangan, Koperasi dan UKM Kab.Batang) 2019-04-01T10:48:37+07:00 Teguh Aji Wibowo Sri Rahayuningsih <p><em>This study aims to analyze the influence of organizational culture, discipline, transformational leadership style and transactional leadership style on the performance of the employees of the Department of Industry, Trade, Cooperatives and SMEs. Stem. The population in this study were all District Office of Industry, Trade, Cooperatives and Small and Medium Enterprises. The criteria referred to in the use of purposive sampling technique this research are employees who have at least high school education. Based on these criteria, a sample of 68 employees was obtained. The analytical tool used is the test of validity, reliability, and multiple linear regression. The results of the analysis can be concluded that: Organizational culture has a positive and significant effect on the performance of employees of Disperindagkop and UKM Batang Regency. Discipline has a positive and significant effect on the performance of Disperindagkop And UKM employees in Batang Regency. Transformational leadership style has a positive and significant effect on the performance of employees of Disperindagkop and UKM Batang Regency. Transactional leadership style has a positive and significant effect on the performance of Disperindagkop and UKM employees in Batang Regency</em></p> 2019-03-29T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PENGARUH CITRA PERUSAHAAN DAN KEPERCAYAAN TERHADAP KEPUASAN DAN DAMPAKNYA TERHADAP LOYALITAS PELANGGAN DYRIANA BAKERY & CAFE PANDANARAN SEMARANG 2019-04-01T10:52:44+07:00 Yolanda Rebiati Begy <p><em>This study aims to examine and analyze the influence of corporate image and trust in satisfaction and its impact on customer loyalty customers dyriana bakery &amp; cafe pandanaran semarang. The population in this study were Dyriana bakery &amp; cafe pandanaran Semarang customers, because the population was very large, this study took a sample of 100 respondents. The sampling technique in this study used purposive sampling, namely the technique of determining samples with certain criteria, namely people who bought dyriana. bakery &amp; cafe pandanaran semarang.The data used in this study is primary data, with a questionnaire as a research instrument. The analytical tool used is multiple linear regression, while the instrument test uses validity and reliability tests, the feasibility test of the model using the F test and the coefficient of determination test, and the hypothesis test using the t test, which is then processed by the calculation of SPSS (Statistical Product and Solutions) version 19.The results showed that corporate image had a positive and significant effect on satisfaction, trust has a positive and significant effect on satisfaction, and satisfaction has a positive and significant effect on customer loyalty.</em></p> 2019-03-29T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PENGARUH KUALITAS PRODUK, CITRA MEREK DAN KESADARAN MEREK TERHADAP KEPUTUSAN PEMBELIAN SMARTPHONE SAMSUNG (Studi Kasus pada Mahasiswa Pengguna Smartphone Samsung di Universitas Stikubank Semarang) 2019-04-01T11:11:47+07:00 Aisyah Sarania Kasmari Kasmari <p><em>This study aims to test and analyze the effect of product quality, brand image, and brand awareness on Samsung smartphone purchasing decisions. The population in this study were students of Samsung smartphone users at Stikubank University Semarang, this study took a sample of 99 respondents. The sampling technique in this study used proportionate random sampling. The data used in this study is primary data, with a questionnaire as a research instrument. The analytical tool used is validity test, reliability test, multiple linear regression, F test, coefficient of determination test (R²), and t test (hypothesis), which is then processed by calculation of SPSS (Statistical Product and Solutions) version 22. The results showed that product quality had a positive and significant effect on purchasing decisions, brand image had a positive and significant effect on purchasing decisions, and brand awareness had no effect and significant effect on purchasing decisions</em></p> 2019-03-29T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PENGARUH KERAGAMAN PRODUK, PERSEPSI HARGA, DAN KUALITAS LAYANAN TERHADAP KEPUASAN ( Studi pada Konsumen Jasa Pengiriman Paket POS di Semarang) 2019-04-01T11:16:38+07:00 Nurul Hidayah Endang Tjahjaningsih <p><em>This study aims to examine the effect of product diversity, price perception, and service quality on customer satisfaction. This research was conducted on all consumers of POS package delivery services in Semarang. The samples used in this study were 98 POS respondents in Semarang. The sampling method uses purposive sampling The data used is primary data. Analysis of the data used includes the validity, reliability, multiple linear regression test, determination coefficient (R2), F test and hypothesis test. The results of this study indicate that product diversity variables have a positive and significant effect on customer satisfaction. Variable price perception has a negative and not significant effect on customer satisfaction. Service quality variables have a positive and significant effect on customer satisfaction.</em></p> 2019-03-29T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PENGARUH BUDAYA ORGANISASI, KEPUASAN KERJA DAN KOMITMEN ORGANISASIONAL TERHADAP KINERJA KARYAWAN (STUDI KASUS PADA KARYAWAN SWALAYAN ADA MAJAPAHIT SEMARANG) 2019-04-01T11:36:43+07:00 Yohana Novia Saputri Penunjang Waruwu <p><em>This study aims to discuss and analyze the influence of culture, job satisfaction and organizational commitment on the performance of ADA Majapahit Semarang supermarket employees. The population in this study is ADA Majapahit Semarang supermarket company, because the participation of research is very large, this study took a sample of 97 respondents. The technique of taking samples in this study using purposive sampling, namely sampling techniques using Slovin.The data used in this study is primary data, with a questionnaire as a research instrument. The analytical tool used is multiple linear regression, validity test, reliability test, F test, coefficient of determination test (R²), and t test, which is then processed by calculation of SPSS (Statistical Products and Solutions) version 19.The results showed that organizational culture had a positive and significant effect on employee performance, positive and significant job satisfaction on employee performance, organizational commitment significantly increased positively towards employee performance.</em></p> 2019-03-29T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PENGARUH ROE, EPS ,DER, RISIKO TERHADAP HARGA SAHAM DAN KONSEKUENSINYA TERHADAP RETURN SAHAM (Study Kasus Perusahaan sektor Manufaktur yang terdaftar di Bursa efek indonesia Periode 2015 - 2017) 2019-04-01T11:39:50+07:00 Yusuf Wijoyanto sri Sudarsi <p><em>This study aims to examine the effect of Return on Equity, Earning per Share (EPS), Debt to Equity Ratio, Risk to stock prices and its consequences for stock returns in manufacturing companies listed in the Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2015 - 2017. This research was conducted with using secondary data. The population in this study is. All manufacturing companies are listed on the Indonesia stock exchange in 2015 - 2017. The samples in this study used a purposive sampling method. The analytical method used in this study is the method of multiple regression analysis. The results of this study prove that ROE has a negative and not significant effect on stock prices, EPS has a positive and significant effect on stock prices, DER has a negative and not significant effect on stock prices, BETA has a negative and significant effect on stock prices and stock prices have a negative and insignificant effect to stock returns. Adjusted R square model 1 is 0.981, this means that 98.1% of the dependent variable can be explained by independent variables and the remaining 0.019% is explained by other variables outside the model while the adjusted R square value in model 2 is -0.003 this means that -0.3% of the dependent variable can be explained by the independent variable and the remaining 1.003% is explained by variables outside the model.</em><em>.</em></p> 2019-03-29T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PENGARUH PERSEPSI HARGA, KUALITAS PRODUK DAN PROMOSI TERHADAP TINGKAT KEPUASAN KONSUMEN (Studi Pada Konsumen Sirup CV Kawista Dewa Burung Rembang) 2019-04-01T11:42:51+07:00 Awang Ardian Saputra Mulyo Budi Setiawan <p><em>This study aims to examine the effect of price perception, product quality and promotion on the level of customer satisfaction</em><em>.&nbsp; </em><em>The population in this study were consumers who purchased products at CV Kawista Rembang Bird God. </em><em>&nbsp;</em><em>Sampling is done by Purposive </em><em>s</em><em>ampling technique, namely deliberate sampling in accordance with the required sample requirements, the number of samples taken is 100 respondents. The collected data was analyzed using factor analysis to test the validity of statement items, Cronbach alpha to test instrument reliability, and regression analysis to test the effect of the independent variables tested on the level of customer satisfaction. The results of this study indicate that product quality, price perception, and promotion have a positive and significant e</em><em>,</em><em>ffect on the level of customer satisfaction on CV Kawista Burung Dewa</em><em>.</em></p> 2019-03-29T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PENGARUH KUALITAS PRODUK, CITRA MEREK, PERSEPSI HARGA DAN DAYA TARIK IKLAN TERHADAP KEPUTUSAN PEMBELIAN PRODUK LIPSTICK WARDAH (STUDI PADA MAHASISWA UNIVERSITAS STIKUBANK SEMARANG) 2019-04-01T11:46:48+07:00 Nira Widi Pamula Ali Maskur <p><em>The development of business dynamics is increasingly challenging so that business people must be able to make these challenges an opportunity to be able to compete and survive in the future. The purpose of this study was to examine and analyze the effect of product quality, brand image, price perception, and advertisement appeal on purchasing decisions for wardah lipstick products. The population in this study were all students of Stikubank University Semarang who had made the decision to purchase wardah lipstick products. The sample used was 100 respondents, using purposive sampling sampling method. The method of analyzing research data uses multiple linear regression. The results of this study indicate that product quality, brand image, price perception, and ad attractiveness have a positive and significant effect on purchasing decisions for wardah lipstick products.</em></p> 2019-03-29T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PENGARUH KUALITAS PRODUK, CITRA MEREK DAN PERSEPSI HARGA TERHADAP KEPUTUSAN PEMBELIAN HIJAB ZOYA (Studi pada konsumen Hijab Zoya di Zoya Semarang Jl. Kaligarang No. 9B) 2019-04-01T11:49:17+07:00 Amik Mariana Euis Soliha <p><em>The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of Product Quality, Brand Image and Price Perception on the Purchase Decision of Hijab Zoya (Study on consumers of Hijab Zoya in Zoya Semarang Jl. Kaligarang No. 9B). This study also aims to jointly determine the effect of the three independent variables on the dependent variable and to find out which variables are the most dominant influence among the three independent variables on the dependent variable. This type of research uses quantitative research data, with a population of one hundred Zoya hijab consumers. Data collection uses a questionnaire with a Likert scale.</em></p> <p><em>Based on the calculation of SPSS 21 from the t test on product quality variables, brand image and price perception all variables are accepted. The F Test results show variable product quality, brand image, and price perception show simultaneously together in the purchasing decision</em>.</p> <p><strong><em>&nbsp;</em></strong></p> 2019-03-29T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PENGARUH KOMPENSASI, PENGEMBANGAN KARIR DAN MOTIVASI KERJA TERHADAP RETENSI KARYAWAN PERUSAHAAN (Studi kasus karyawan PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia Cabang Semarang Pandanaran) 2019-04-01T12:42:45+07:00 Supriyanto Kis Indriyaningrum <p><em>This study analyzes the effect of Compensation, Career Development and Work Motivation on Employee Retention. The object of this study was employees of PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia Semarang Branch Pandanaran. The sampling technique in this study used a random sampling technique with the Slovin formula. The results of the sample were 152 respondents and the data collection method used a questionnaire (questionnaire) by distributing a list of statements to the respondents in order to obtain information. Data and information collected in this study were processed using version 19 Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) software, then analyzed using correlation coefficients to test KMO validity, cronbach alpha to test instrument reliability, and multiple linear regression analysis to test the magnitude of influence each independent variable on the dependent variable. The results showed that Compensation had a positive and significant effect on employee retention, Career Development had a positive and significant effect on Employee Retention, Motivation had a positive and significant effect on Employee Retention.</em></p> 2019-03-29T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PENGARUH DISIPLIN KERJA, MOTIVASI KERJA DAN GAYA KEPEMIMPINAN TRANSFORMASIONAL TERHADAP KINERJA PEGAWAI (Studi pada Biro Organisasi Sekretariat Daerah Provinsi Jawa Tengah) 2019-04-01T12:49:05+07:00 Niken Ajeng Prihatini Kis Indriyaningrum <p>The purpose of this study was to determine the Effect of Work Discipline, Work Motivation and Transformational Leadership Style on Employee Performance at the Bureau of Organization of the Regional Secretariat of Central Java Province. This type of research uses quantitative research, with a total population of 60 people. The sampling technique uses census techniques, so that all population numbers are sampled, amounting to 60 respondents. Data collection uses a questionnaire with a Likert scale. Data analysis in this study used multiple linear regression models. Data processing is done by SPSS 21 program. Based on the calculation results of SPSS 21 from the t test on work discipline variables obtained significance of 0.472&gt; 0.05, then work discipline does not affect employee performance. Work motivation variables obtained significance of 0,000 &lt;0,05, then work motivation has a positive and significant effect on employee performance, transformational leadership style variables obtained significance of 0,023 &lt;0,05, then transformational leadership style has a positive and significant effect on employee performance.</p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> 2019-03-29T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PENGARUH KOMPETENSI, MOTIVASI DAN BUDAYA ORGANISASI TERHADAP KINERJA PEGAWAI (Studi Pada Dinas Perhubungan Kota Semarang) 2019-04-01T12:51:31+07:00 Leni Fitri Astuti Agus Murdiyanto <p><a name="_Toc3367861"></a><a name="_Toc1408406"></a><a name="_Toc1592637"></a><a name="_Toc1592899"></a><em>This study aims to analyze the effect of Competence, Motivation and Organizational Culture on Employee Performance at the Semarang City Transportation Agency. This research was conducted using primary data, namely data obtained directly from the source. The population of this study was 60. Data collection techniques were carried out by questionnaire. Before carrying out the analysis, validation and reliability tests were carried out on the questionnaire. Next, the hypothesis test was carried out with the help of SPSS version 20. Based on the regression test conducted it was found that competence, motivation, organizational culture had a positive and significant effect on employee performance. R square value 79.9%. This means that 79.9% of the Y variable can be explained by the independent variable and the remainder is explained by other variables outside the model.</em></p> <p><a name="_Toc3367862"></a><a name="_Toc1408407"></a></p> 2019-03-29T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PENGARUH KEPEMIMPINAN DAN MOTIVASI KERJA TERHADAP KEPUASAN KERJA SERTA DAMPAKNYA BAGI KINERJA PEGAWAI (Studi Pada Dinas Pemadam Kebakaran Kota Semarang) 2019-04-01T12:54:12+07:00 Dina Puji Lestari Bambang Suko Priyono <p><em>The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of leadership and work motivation on job satisfaction and its impact on employee performance. This research was conducted at the Semarang City Fire Department. Method of sampling using saturated samples or census. The relationship and or influence between variables is explained by using multiple regression analysis. The results showed that leadership had a significant positive effect on job satisfaction. Motivation has a positive and significant effect on job satisfaction. Leadership has a positive and significant effect on employee performance. Motivation has a significant positive effect on employee performance. Job satisfaction has a significant positive effect on employee performance. Satisfaction variables have not been able to mediate leadership on performance because the direct influence is greater than indirect influence. The satisfaction variable has not been able to mediate the effect of motivation on performance because the direct influence is greater than the indirect effect.</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> 2019-03-29T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PENGARUH PROMOSI, KUALITAS LAYANAN, DAN KUALITAS PRODUK TERHADAP KEPUASAN PELANGGAN (Studi Kasus pada OVO Payment di Kota Semarang) 2019-04-01T13:47:55+07:00 Suhenik <p><em>The main goals of this research are to test and analyze promotion, service quality, and product quality towards customer satisfaction OVO payments in the city of Semarang. The respondents of this research consisted of 100 respondents for OVO payments in the city of Semarang. Analysis of the data used is validity test, reliability test and multiple linear regression analysis using IBM SPSS version 19 software to test and prove the research hypothesis. Multiple linear regression test results show that promotion has a positive and significant influence on customer satisfaction, service quality has a positive and significant influence on customer satisfaction, and product quality has a positive and significant effect on customer satisfaction.</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> 2019-03-29T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PENGARUH KUALITAS LAYANAN DAN KEPERCAYAAN TERHADAP KEPUASAN PESERTA PEMEGANG KARTU JKN KIS BPJS KESEHATAN (Studi peserta pemegang kartu JKN KIS pada BPJS Kesehatan di Kantor Cabang Semarang) 2019-04-02T10:47:46+07:00 Radevi Avi Yulianti Bambang Sutejo <p><em>This study aims to examine and analyze the influence of service quality and trust in participant satisfaction. This research was conducted at the BPJS Semarang Branch Office. </em><em>The population in this study were 2,726,198 JKN KIS BPJS Health card holders at the Semarang Branch Office</em><em>. The number of samples used in this study were 100 people. Sampling using Slovin formula with purposive sampling technique. The data analysis technique used is validity test, reliability test, multiple regression analysis, F test, determination test and hypothesis test to test service quality variables and confidence in the satisfaction of JKN KIS BPJS Health Card holders Semarang Branch Office satisfaction.</em><em> The results of the study show that service quality has a positive and significant effect on the satisfaction of participants of the JKN KIS BPJS Health Card holders Semarang Branch Office. Trust has a positive and significant effect on satisfaction of participants of the JKN KIS BPJS Health Card holders Semarang Branch Office.</em></p> <p><strong><em>&nbsp;</em></strong></p> 2019-03-29T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PENGARUH KEPEMIMPINAN, MOTIVASI KERJA DAN KOMITMEN ORGANISASIONAL TERHADAP KINERJA KARYAWAN (Studi Pada PT Telkom Regional IV Jateng & DIY) 2019-04-02T10:50:22+07:00 Metha Pramesti Indra Swari <p><em>This aim of this study is to know and analyze the influence of Leadership , work motivasion, and organizational commitment to employees performance at PT. Telkom Regional IV Jawa Tengah &amp; DIY</em></p> <p><em>Population of this research are all of employees in PT. Telkom Regional IV Jawa Tengah &amp; DIY, sample is 120 responden. The method of taking the sample is purposive sampling. The metode taking data used in this study is primer data from form of questionnaires. Hypothesis test in this research use multiple regression analysis.</em></p> <p><em>The result of multiple regression analysis is known that Leadership, work motivasion, and organizational commitment positive significant influence employee performance.</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> 2019-03-29T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PENGARUH KUALITAS PRODUK, PERSEPSI HARGA, DAN STORE ATMOSPHERE TERHADAP KEPUTUSAN PEMBELIAN KONSUMEN GUCI BAKERY & CAKE DI KABUPATEN TEGAL 2019-04-02T10:56:14+07:00 Ayu Cahyani Putri Euis Soliha <p><em>This study aims to analyze the effect of product quality, price perception, and store atmosphere on consumer purchasing decisions of Guci Bakery &amp; Cake in Tegal Regency. This study uses a survey method with a questionnaire as a data collection tool. The population in this study were all consumers who bought Guci Bakery &amp; Cake products in Tegal Regency. The sample in this study were 100 respondents with purposive sampling as a sampling technique. The data analysis technique in this study used multiple linear regression analysis. The result showed that product quality had a positive and significant effect on purchasing decisions, price perception had a positive and significant effect on purchasing decisions, and store atmosphere had a positive and significant effect on purchasing decisions.</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> <p><strong><em>&nbsp;</em></strong></p> 2019-03-29T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PENGARUH KUALITAS LAYANAN, PERSEPSI HARGA DAN KEPERCAYAAN TERHADAP KEPUASAN PENUMPANG KERETA API ARGO MURIA JURUSAN SEMARANG TAWANG-GAMBIR(JAKARTA) (Studi pada Penumpang Kereta Api Argo Muria di Stasiun Semarang Tawang) 2019-04-02T11:00:52+07:00 Avitrain Hali Wiedyani <p><em>The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of service quality, price perception, and confidence in the satisfaction of passengers of the Argo Muria Railway in Semarang Tawang-Gambir (Jakarta) (Study on Argo Muria Train passengers at Semarang Tawang Station). The relationship of influence between variables is explained by using the method of multiple regression analysis. The results showed that, service quality has a positive and significant effect on customer satisfaction, price perception has a positive and significant effect on customer satisfaction and trust has a positive and significant effect on satisfaction of passengers of the Argo Muria Railway in Semarang Tawang-Gambir (Jakarta).</em></p> 2019-03-29T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PENGARUH KUALITAS LAYANAN, KEPERCAYAAN, DAN NILAI PELANGGAN TERHADAP LOYALITAS PELANGGAN (Studi pada Nasabah Tabungan Bank BNI Syariah Cabang Semarang) 2019-04-02T11:53:06+07:00 Devi Cornelia Sari <p><strong>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </strong><em>This study aims to examine and analyze the influence of service quality, trust, and customer value on customer loyalty in the Savings Bank BNI Syariah Customer Semarang Branch. The object of research in this writing is customers who have savings at Bank BNI Syariah.&nbsp;</em><em> The sampling technique in this study uses non probability sampling with purposive sampling data collection method with a sample of 120 respondents. The primary data collection method uses questionnaire and interview methods. The data analysis technique used was the test instrument (validity test and reliability test), multiple linear regression, test model (f test and determination coefficient), and hypothesis testing (t test).&nbsp;</em><em> The results of the study show that: service quality does not affect customer loyalty at the Bank BNI Syariah Semarang branch of savings customers, trust has a positive and significant effect on customer loyalty at the Bank BNI Syariah savings account, Semarang Branch Customer value has a positive and significant effect on customer loyalty in the savings customer of Bank BNI Syariah Semarang Branch.</em></p> 2019-03-29T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PENGARUH KUALITAS PRODUK, CITRA MEREK, PERSEPSI HARGA, DAN PROMOSI TERHADAP KEPUTUSAN PEMBELIAN HONDA VARIO (Studi Empiris Pada Dealer Cendana Wangi Pekalongan) 2019-04-04T10:25:54+07:00 Gilang Dipa R. Euis Soliha <p>Penelitian ini berusaha untuk menguji pengaruh kualitas produk, citra merek,&nbsp; persepsi harga, dan promosi terhadap keputusan pembelian Honda Vario di Dealer Cendana Wangi Pekalongan. Penelitian ini menggunakan sampel sebanyak 78 orang responden yang memutuskan membeli Honda Vario di Dealer Cendana wangi Pekalongan dengan menggunakan alat analisis regresi linier berganda. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian menunjukan kualitas Produk berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap keputusan pembelian semakin baik kualitas produk maka keputusan pembelian semakin meningkat, citra merek tidak berpengaruh terhadap keputusan pembelian, persepsi harga tidak berpengaruh terhadap keputusan pembelian, promosi berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap keputusan pembelian. Semakin aktif&nbsp; promosi yang dilakukan maka keputusan pembelian semakin meningkat.</p> 2019-03-29T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PENGARUH KUALITAS LAYANAN DAN PERSEPSI HARGA TERHADAP KEPUASAN PELANGGAN DAN DAMPAKNYA PADA LOYALITAS PELANGGAN PADA HOTEL HORISON SEMARANG 2019-04-04T10:28:20+07:00 Dira Puspita Sari Euis Soliha <p><em>This study aimed to analyze the effect of service quality and price perception in the customer satisfaction and impact in the customer loyalty on the Hotel Horison Semarang. The sample in this study were 100 respondents. The sampling technique in this study using purposive sampling. Data were analyzed by using multiple linear regression analysis. The results showed that service quality and price perception have a positive and significant effect on customer satisfaction. Customer satisfaction has a positive and significant effect on customer loyalty. Service quality and price perception simultaneously have a positive and significant effect on customer satisfaction and customer loyalty.</em></p> 2019-03-29T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PERAN KEPUASAN PELANGGAN DALAM MEMEDIASI PENGARUH EXPERIENTAL MARKETING DAN KUALITAS LAYANAN TERHADAP NIAT BELI ULANG PEMBELIAN TIKET PESAWAT (STUDI PADA PT AGENI TOUR & TRAVEL SEMARANG) 2019-04-04T10:30:24+07:00 Andhiani Kameshwara <p><em>This study aims to analyze the role of customer satisfaction in mediating the influence of experiential marketing and service quality on repurchase intentions. This research was conducted at PT. Ageni Tour &amp; Travel Semarang. This study uses descriptive research. The number of samples is 100 respondents. The research instrument used a questionnaire. Data analysis used multiple regression analysis and mediation test. The results of the study show that the role of customer satisfaction in mediating the influence of experiential marketing and service quality is positive and significant towards repurchase intention. While the results of mediation test positive and significant marketing experiential influence on customer satisfaction.</em></p> 2019-03-29T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PENGARUH KUALITAS PRODUK, CITRA MEREK, DAN PERSEPSI HARGA TERHADAP KEPUASAN PELANGGAN (STUDI PADA KONSUMEN HONDA BEAT PT. ASTRA HONDA MOTOR CABANG GAJAH MADA KOTA SEMARANG) 2019-04-04T10:33:00+07:00 Nurul Lailatul Janah Ali Maskur <p><em>The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of product quality, brand image, and price perception on customer satisfaction. Research location at PT. Astra Honda Motor Gajah Mada</em><em> Branch</em><em> Semarang City.</em></p> <p><em>Research population are buyer dan user Honda Beat motorcycle at </em><em>PT. Astra Honda Motor Gajah Mada Branch Semarang City</em><em> are 100 people. Sampling technic using </em><em>purposive sampling method </em><em>are 96 people. This research using primaire data using technical data source using questionnaires and documentation. Data are be analyzed using validity, reliability, multiple regression, F detection, determination coefficient (R<sup>2</sup>), and t detection. Data processing using SPSS version 22.</em></p> <p><em>The results showed that the effect of product quality, brand image, and price perception had a positive and significant effect on customer satisfaction.</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> <p><strong><em>&nbsp;</em></strong></p> 2019-03-29T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PENGARUH KUALITAS LAYANAN, KUALITAS PRODUK TERHADAP KEPUASAN DAN DAMPAKNYA PADA LOYALITAS ANGGOTA KSP SEKAWAN BOJA ( Studi Pada Anggota Koperasi ) 2019-04-04T10:35:51+07:00 Faisal Bintang Euis Soliha <p><em>This study aims to empirically examine the Effect of Service Quality, Product Quality on Satisfaction and Its Impact on KSP Sekawan Boja Customer Loyalty (Study on Savings Customers). This analysis uses independent variables namely Service Quality and Product Quality. The dependent variable is Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty.The sample of this study is the KSP savings customer Sekawan Boja. The sample is carried out by purposive sampling. Data collection was conducted with a questionnaire distributed directly to a sample of 100 questionnaires. Statistical methods use multiple linear regression analysis, by testing the statistical test hypothesis t.The results of this study indicate that service quality positively significantly affects customer satisfaction, product quality positively significantly affects customer satisfaction, and customer satisfaction positively significantly affects customer loyalty.</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> 2019-03-29T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PENGARUH CITRA MEREK, KUALITAS PRODUK, PERSEPSI HARGA, DAN PROMOSI PENJUALAN TERHADAP MINAT BELI SMARTPHONE XIAOMI KONTER V-COM JEPARA 2019-04-04T10:38:32+07:00 Rakli Syaifur Rizaal <p><em>The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of brand image, product quality, price perception, and sales promotion on intention to buying. Research location in Jepara City.Research population are buyer smartphone xiaomi in Jepara City are 100 people. Sampling technic using purposive sampling method are 100 people. This research using primaire data using technical data source using questionnaires and documentation. Data are be analyzed using validity, reliability, multiple regression, F detection, determination coefficient (R<sup>2</sup>), and t detection. Which is then processed using a computer program SPSS version 20. </em><em>The results showed that the Brand Image variable had a positive effect onintention to buying, Product Quality had no positive effect on intention to buying, Price Perception had a positive effect on intention to buying, and Sales Promotions had a positive effect on intention to buying.</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> 2019-03-29T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Pengaruh Citra Merek, Kualitas Produk, Persepsi HargaDan Iklan Terhadap Kepuasan Pengguna Sepeda Motor Honda Beat (Studi Pada Mahasiswa FEB Universitas Stikubank Semarang) 2019-04-04T10:53:11+07:00 Ticha Tiwi Endang Tjahjaningsih <p><em>The purpose of this study is to describe and analyze the influence of brand image, product quality, price perception and advertising on customer satisfaction (case study of FEB students at Stikubank University Semarang). In this study the independent variables that affect customer satisfaction are limited to variable brand image, product quality, price perception, and advertising. The population in this study were all Economics and Business Faculty students at the Stikubank University Semarang. And 100 respondents were chosen who used Honda Beat as the sample. The data testing techniques used included the Validity Test with factor analysis, the reliability test with Cronbach alpha, multiple linear regression analysis, and test the significance of the coefficient of determination to prove the truth of the hypothesis. The test results obtained that there is no significant effect of Brand Image variables on customer satisfaction. There is a significant effect on product quality variables on customer satisfaction. There is no significant effect of price perception variables on customer satisfaction. There is a significant effect of advertising variables on customer satisfaction.</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> 2019-03-29T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PENGARUH KUALITAS LAYANAN,KUALITAS PRODUK,PERSEPSI HARGA,LOKASI TERHADAP KEPUASAN PELANGGAN SERTA DAMPAKNYA PADA LOYALITAS PELANGGAN (Studi Pada Warung SPESIAL SAMBAL(SS) Di Sampangan Semarang) 2019-04-04T11:00:00+07:00 Khoirul Muttaqin Ali Maskur <p>The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of service quality, product quality, price and location perceptions on customer satisfaction and its impact on customer loyalty at Waroeng Spesial Sambal. The population in this study were customers at Waroeng Spesial Sambal. The sampling technique uses purposive sampling. The sample criteria in this study are customers who have already purchased more than 3 times at Waroeng Spesial Sambal. The analytical tool used is multiple linear regression. The results of the study can be concluded that: Service Quality has a positive and significant effect on customer satisfaction. Product quality has a positive and significant effect on customer satisfaction. Price perception has no significant effect on customer satisfaction. Location has no significant effect on customer satisfaction and customer satisfaction has a positive and significant effect on customer loyalty.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>&nbsp;</strong></p> 2019-03-29T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PENGARUH LOKASI, CITRA INSTITUSI DAN KUALITAS LAYANAN TERHADAP KEPUASAN MAHASISWA (Studi pada Mahasiswa Fakultas Ekonomika dan Bisnis UNISBANK Semarang) 2019-04-04T11:04:31+07:00 Dina Arianti <p><em>This study aims to examine and analyze the influence of location, institutional image and service quality on student satisfaction (study of students of the economics faculty and business of UNISBANK Semarang). The independent variables in this study are location, institutional image and service quality.</em></p> <p><em>The population in this study were students of the economics and business faculty of UNISBANK Semarang, with a sample size of 100 students and the sampling method used was purposive sampling. Data were analyzed using instrument test, multiple linear regression and fit test models.</em></p> <p><em>The results showed that location had a positive and significant effect on student satisfaction, institutional image had a positive and significant effect on student satisfaction, and service quality had a positive and significant effect on student satisfaction. </em></p> <p><strong><em>&nbsp;</em></strong></p> 2019-03-29T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PENGARUH LINGKUNGAN KERJA, MOTIVASI, DAN DISIPLIN KERJA TERHADAP KINERJA KARYAWAN (Studi Pada PDAM Tirta Moedal Kota Semarang) 2019-04-04T11:09:38+07:00 Burhanuddin Yusuf <p><em>The object of research done at PDAM Tirta Moedal Kota Semarang. This study aims to analyze the influence&nbsp; work environment of motivation, and work discipline on the performance of employees of PDAM Tirta Moedal Kota Semarang. The population is all PDAM Tirta Moedal Kota Semarang. The sampling technique was done by using census or saturated samples because all study populations were sampled. Methods of data analysis using linear regression. Test results obtained that there is a positive and significant effect of work environment on employee performance, there is a positive and significant impact of work motivation on employee performance. And there is a positive and significant influence of work discipline on employee performance.</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> <p><strong><em>&nbsp;</em></strong></p> 2019-03-29T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PENGARUH KUALITAS PRODUK, PERSEPSI HARGA DAN KUALITAS LAYANAN TERHADAP KEPUASAN PELANGGAN (Studi Pada Pelanggan Moment Coffeeshop Semarang) 2019-04-04T11:14:53+07:00 Reza Adi Prabowo Endang Tjahjaningsih <p><em>This study aims to examine and analyze the effect of product quality, price perception, and service quality on customer satisfaction at the Semarang Moment Coffeeshop. The population in this study are customers who buy products at the Semarang Coffeeshop Moment, because the population is very large, this study takes a sample of 100 respondents. The sampling technique in this study uses purposive sampling, namely the technique of determining samples with certain criteria, namely people who use boarding house services in Sampangan The data used in this study is primary data, with a questionnaire as a research instrument. The analytical tool used is multiple linear regression, validity test, reliability test, F test, coefficient of determination test (R²), and t test, which is then processed by calculation of SPSS (Statistical Product and Solutions) version 19. The results showed that product quality has a positive and significant effect on customer satisfaction, the perception of price prices has a positive and significant effect on customer satisfaction, service quality has a positive and significant effect on customer satisfaction.</em></p> 2019-03-29T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PENGARUH KEPEMIMPINAN, DISIPLIN KERJA DAN MOTIVASI KERJA TERHADAP KINERJA KARYAWAN PADA PDAM TIRTA MOEDAL KOTA SEMARANG 2019-04-04T11:17:31+07:00 Winda Febriyawati <p><em>The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of leadership variables, work discipline and work motivation on employee performance of PDAM Tirta Moedal in Semarang City. Respondents of this study were employees of PDAM Tirta Moedal in Semarang City who had worked for more than 5 years as many as 69 people. The sampling technique using simple random sampling (sample random sampling), then analyzed using multiple regression analysis. Data from the questionnaire were tested by validity, reliability and multiple regression tests. The results of the research are: (1) leadership has a positive and significant effect on employee performance. (2) work discipline has a positive effect on employee performance. (3) work motivation has a positive effect and significant on employee performance.</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> 2019-03-29T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PENGARUH KUALITAS PRODUK DAN GAYA HIDUP TERHADAP KEPUASAN SERTA DAMPAKNYA PADA LOYALITAS KONSUMEN HANDPHONE IPHONE DI SEMARANG 2019-04-04T11:22:41+07:00 1505510024 Winda Chandra Anggraini <p><em>The purpose of this study was to examine and analyze the effect of product quality and lifestyle on consumer loyalty with satisfaction as intervening. The population in this study was an unknown number of iPhone branded iPhone users. The sample in this study were 100 consumers. The sampling technique uses purposive sampling. The type of data and data collection techniques used are primary. The analysis technique used is descriptive analysis and path analysis. The results of the study show that: (1). Product quality has a positive effect on customer satisfaction. (2). Lifestyle has a positive effect on consumer satisfaction. (3). Consumer satisfaction has a positive effect on consumer loyalty. (4). Product quality has a positive effect on consumer loyalty. (5). Lifestyle has a positive effect on consumer loyalty.</em></p> 2019-03-29T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PENGARUH KUALITAS PRODUK DAN HARGA TERHADAP KEPUASAN DAN DAMPAKNYA PADA LOYALITAS PELANGGAN (Studi Pada Madu Pramuka Kecamatan Gringsing Kabupaten Batang) 2019-04-04T11:25:55+07:00 Hardhika Al Septa <p><em>This study aims to examine the effect of product quality and price, on satisfaction and its impact on customer loyalty on </em>Madu pramuka<em> Gringsing sub-district Batang.</em></p> <p><em>The population in this study were consumers who had purchased </em>Madu Pramuka <em>products located on Kutosari Highway, Gringsing, Batang Regency, while the sampling method used was Purposive Sampling, with the number of data processed as many as 100 respondents and analyzed using SPSS 24 program. While the analytical method used is validity test, reliability test, multiple linear regression test, determination test, F test, and hypothesis test.&nbsp;</em><em>&nbsp; The results of this study indicate that product quality has a positive and significant effect on customer satisfaction, prices have a positive and significant effect on customer satisfaction, product quality has a positive and significant effect on customer loyalty, prices have a positive and significant effect on customer loyalty, while customer satisfaction has a negative and significant effect towards customer loyalty.</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> 2019-03-29T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PENGARUH KOMPENSASI, MOTIVASI, DAN KEPUASAN KERJA TERHADAP KINERJA KARYAWAN PADA KANTOR DINAS LINGKUNGAN HIDUP KOTA SEMARANG 2019-04-04T11:34:37+07:00 Pantunnisa Ayu Safitri Muhaimin . <p><em>This research was carried out at the Semarang City Environmental Agency to study and analyze the effect of compensation, motivation and job satisfaction on employee performance. The population in this study amounted to 138 employees, and&nbsp; method of data collection use a questionnaires with a total sample of 60 respondents. Data analysis techniques used include validity test, reliability test with alpha coefficient (Alpha Crobach), multiple regression analysis, t test to test and prove the research hypothesis. The test results obtained that compensation has a positive and significant influence on employee performance. motivation has a positive but not significant effect on employee performance. Job satisfaction has a significant positive effect on employee performance</em></p> 2019-03-29T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PENGARUH KEPERCAYAAN, KEAMANAN BERTRANSAKSI DAN PERSEPSI RISIKO TERHADAP MINAT BELI DI TOKO ONLINE (Studi pada Toko Online Lazada) 2019-04-09T09:43:59+07:00 Nindhi Kurniarum Bambang Sutejo <p><em>The purpose of this study is to test and analyze the effect of trust, transaction security and risk perception on buying interest in online stores. This study uses a survey method with a questionnaire using google form as a data collection tool. The population of this study is internet users who buy at Lazada's online store. The research sampling technique was purposive sampling with the criteria of consumers who bought at Lazada's online store. Data analysis using multiple linear regression. The results showed that trust has a positive and significant effect on buying interest. In addition, transaction security has a positive and significant effect on buying interest and the perception of risk has a negative and insignificant effect on buying interest.</em></p> <p><strong><em>&nbsp;</em></strong></p> 2019-03-29T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PENGARUH DISKON, BONUS KEMASAN, TAMPILAN TOKO, DAN PENJUALAN PERORANGAN TERHADAP PEMBELIAN IMPULSIF 2019-04-09T09:46:34+07:00 Karin Ryanda Saputri Ali Maskur <p><em>This study aims to determine the effect of price discount, bonus pack, in-store display and personal selling on impulse buying at supermarket customers ADA Siliwangi. This research was conducted at the ADA Siliwangi Supermarket located on Jl. MgrSugiyopranoto No.58-60, Bulustalan, Semarang City.&nbsp;</em><em>&nbsp; In this study the population is all consumers who have made purchases to the ADA Siliwangi Supermarket Semarang. The sample taken was 110 respondents. The sampling technique uses non probability sampling. Data collection techniques using questionnaires that have been tested for validity and reliability, and the data analysis technique used is multiple regression. </em><em>The results showed that (1) there was a positive and significant effect of price discount on impulse buying on ADA Siliwangi supermarket customers, (2) there was a positive but not significant effect between bonus pack on impulse buying on ADA Siliwangi supermarket customers, (3) there were positive influences but not significant between the in-store display of the impulse buying at ADA Siliwangi supermarket customers, (4) there is a positive and significant effect of personal selling of impulse buying at ADA Siliwangi supermarket customers.</em></p> <p><strong><em>&nbsp;</em></strong></p> 2019-03-29T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PENGARUH CELEBRITY ENDORSER, CITRA MEREK, DAN IKLAN TELEVISI TERHADAP KEPUTUSAN PEMBELIAN PRODUK LUWAK WHITE KOFFIE DI KECAMATAN PUCAKWANGI KABUPATEN PATI 2019-04-09T09:49:13+07:00 Sri Mulyani Endrawati Euis Soliha <p><em>Th</em><em>is study aims</em><em> to examine the influenc</em><em>e</em><em> of celebrity endorser, brand image, television advertising on purchasing decision. The population in this research&nbsp; were consumers of Luwak White Koffie products in Pucakwangi District, Pati Regency with a total sample of 100 respondents using purposive sampli</em><em>ng method</em><em>. This research proposes three hypotheses, they are celebrity endorser has a positive effect on purchasing decisions, brand image has a positive effect on purchasing decisions, and television advertising has a positive effect on purchase decisions. This research tested using instrumen test which include validity and reliability tests,&nbsp; and multiple linear regression using the SPSS application. Based on the statistic test,</em><em> it</em> <em>can be concluded that </em><em>celebrity endorser has a positive and significant effect on purchasing decisions, brand image has a positive and significant effect on purchasing decisions, television advertising has a positive and significant effect on purchasing decisions.&nbsp; </em></p> 2019-03-29T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PENGARUH KUALITAS LAYANAN DAN NILAI PELANGGAN TERHADAP LOYALITAS YANG DIMEDIASI OLEH KEPUASAN PELANGGAN (Studi pada Pengguna Jasa Kantor Pos Semarang) 2019-04-24T14:25:11+07:00 Merlin Nur Pratiwi Ali Maskur <p><em>This study aims to analyze the effect of service quality and customer value on loyalty that is mediated by customer satisfaction in post office users of Semarang. This research was conducted at the Post Office in Semarang.</em></p> <p><em>The population in this study is all customers who use services at the Post Office in Semarang. The sampling technique in this study uses non probability sampling with purposive sampling data collection method with a sample of 100 respondents. The primary data collection method uses questionnaire and interview methods. The data analysis technique used was the instrument test (validity and reliability test), multiple linear regression, and model test (f test and coefficient of determination), hypothesis testing, and mediation test.</em></p> <p><em>The results showed that: Service quality has a positive and significant effect on customer satisfaction. Customer value has a positive and significant effect on customer satisfaction. Service quality has a positive and significant effect on customer loyalty. Customer value has a positive and significant effect on customer loyalty. Customer satisfaction has a positive and significant effect on customer loyalty. The mediation test results in this study indicate that customer satisfaction does not mediate the effect of service quality on customer loyalty and value on loyalty.</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> <p><strong><em>&nbsp;</em></strong></p> 2019-03-29T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PENGARUH KUALITAS PRODUK, PERSEPSI HARGA, DAN STORE ATMOSPHERE TERHADAP KEPUTUSAN PEMBELIAN KONSUMEN GUCI BAKERY & CAKE DI KABUPATEN TEGAL 2019-04-09T09:54:12+07:00 Ayu Cahyani Putri Euis Soliha <p><em>This study aims to analyze the effect of product quality, price perception, and store atmosphere on consumer purchasing decisions of Guci Bakery &amp; Cake in Tegal Regency. This study uses a survey method with a questionnaire as a data collection tool. The population in this study were all consumers who bought Guci Bakery &amp; Cake products in Tegal Regency. The sample in this study were 100 respondents with purposive sampling as a sampling technique. The data analysis technique in this study used multiple linear regression analysis. The result showed that product quality had a positive and significant effect on purchasing decisions, price perception had a positive and significant effect on purchasing decisions, and store atmosphere had a positive and significant effect on purchasing decisions.</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> <p><strong><em>&nbsp;</em></strong></p> 2019-03-29T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PENGARUH KUALITAS LAYANAN, PERSEPSI HARGA DAN KEPERCAYAAN TERHADAP KEPUASAN PENUMPANG KERETA API ARGO MURIA JURUSAN SEMARANG TAWANG-GAMBIR(JAKARTA) (Studi pada Penumpang Kereta Api Argo Muria di Stasiun Semarang Tawang) 2019-04-09T09:59:03+07:00 Avitrain Hali Wiedyani Rokh Eddy Prabowo <p><em>The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of service quality, price perception, and confidence in the satisfaction of passengers of the Argo Muria Railway in Semarang Tawang-Gambir (Jakarta) (Study on Argo Muria Train passengers at Semarang Tawang Station). The relationship of influence between variables is explained by using the method of multiple regression analysis. The results showed that, service quality has a positive and significant effect on customer satisfaction, price perception has a positive and significant effect on customer satisfaction and trust has a positive and significant effect on satisfaction of passengers of the Argo Muria Railway in Semarang Tawang-Gambir (Jakarta).</em></p> <p><strong><em>&nbsp;</em></strong></p> 2019-03-29T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PENGARUH HARGA, KUALITAS PRODUK DAN KUALITAS PELAYANAN TERHADAP KEPUASAN PELANGGAN (Studi Pada Pelanggan Banaran 9 Resto Coffe and Tea Semarang) 2019-04-09T10:01:26+07:00 Lilin Fajriatus Indriyanti Lie Liana <p><em>This study aims to test and analyze the effect of price, product quality and service quality on customer satisfaction. The location in this study was at Banaran 9 coffee and tea restaurant Semarang.</em><em>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; The population in this study were Banaran 9 customers coffee and tea Semarang restaurants, because the population is very large, this study uses a sample of 100 respondents. The sampling technique with purposive sampling data collection method. The purposive sampling criteria is that you have been a customer for at least 1 year and have income. The data used in this study is primary data, with a questionnaire as a research instrument. Data is processed with SPSS version 19 and the tools used are multiple linear regression, validity test, reliability test, F test, determination coefficient test (R2), and t test.</em><em>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; The results of the study show that the price variable does not affect customer satisfaction, product quality and service quality have a positive and significant effect on customer satisfaction.</em></p> <p><strong><em>&nbsp;</em></strong></p> 2019-03-29T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PENGARUH GAYA HIDUP , CITRA MEREK DAN CELEBRITY ENDORSER TERHADAP KEPUTUSAN PEMBELIAN HIJAB ZOYA (Studi Empiris Pada Konsumen Hijab Zoya di Kota Semarang) 2019-04-09T10:03:47+07:00 Lia Novitasari Mulyo Budi Setiawan <p><strong><em>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </em></strong><em>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The purpose of this research &nbsp;was to examine and analyze the influence of lifestyle, brand image, and celebrity endorser on Zoya hijab purchasing decisions. The research uses survey methods with questionnaires as a data collection tool. The population of this study is all people in the city of Semarang. The research sampling technique was purposive sampling with the criteria of consumers who had bought and used Zoya's hijab. Data analysis using multiple linear regression. The results showed that lifestyle has a positive and significant effect on purchasing decisions. Furthermore, brand image has a negative and not significant effect on purchasing decisions and celebrity endorser has a positive and significant effect on purchasing decisions.</em></p> <p><em><strong>&nbsp;</strong></em></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> 2019-03-29T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PENGARUH KOMPENSASI, MOTIVASI DAN KEPEMIMPINAN TERHADAP KINERJA PEGAWAI (Studi kasus pada Dinas Pekerjaan Umum dan Penataan Ruang Kabupaten Kendal) 2019-04-09T10:07:24+07:00 Devi Indriastuti sri Rahayuningsih <p><em>The purpose of this research was to determine the effect of Compensation, Motivation and Leadership on Employee Performance. The object of this research was conducted at the Department of Public Works and Spatial Planning in Kendal Regency. The sampling technique in this research used purposive sampling with the number of respondents 140 people. Data collection is done through questionnaires deployment. Data analysis techniques used include validity test, reliability with alpha coefficient (Alpha cronbach), multiple regression analysis, T test to test and prove the research hypothesis. </em></p> <p><em>The results showed that Compensation had a positive and significant effect on employee performance, the greater the compensation obtained by the employees, the higher the performance of employees. Motivation has a positive and significant effect on employee performance, the greater the motivation in the employee, the higher the performance of employees in the department. Leadership has a positive and significant effect on employee performance, the higher the leadership, the higher the performance of employees to achieve the targets to be achieved each year.</em></p> <p><strong><em>&nbsp;</em></strong></p> 2019-03-29T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PENGARUH KETIDAKPUASAN KONSUMEN, IKLAN, PERSEPSI HARGA, DAN PERILAKU MENCARI VARIASI TERHADAP PERPINDAHAN MEREK (Studi PadaKonsumen Pasta Gigi Ciptadent di Kota Semarang) 2019-04-09T10:10:16+07:00 Mya Maulida Hurriyah Ali Maskur <p><em>The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of consumer dissatisfaction, advertising, price perceptions, and variation seeking behavior on the transfer of the Ciptadent brand in the city of Semarang.&nbsp;</em><em> The population in this study were consumers who had used Ciptadent toothpaste products in the city of Semarang. The sampling technique used purposive sampling. The sample criteria in this study are consumers of Ciptadent toothpaste and have moved brands, consumers aged over 17 years, and domiciled in the city of Semarang. The analytical tool used is multiple linear regression.&nbsp;</em><em> The results of the study can be concluded that: consumer dissatisfaction has a positive and significant effect on brand displacement, advertising has a negative and not significant effect on brand displacement, price perception has a positive and significant effect on brand displacement, and variation seeking behavior has a positive and significant effect on brand shift.</em></p> 2019-03-29T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PENGARUH KUALITAS PRODUK, PERSEPSI HARGA, PROMOSI, CITRA MEREK DAN CELEBRITY ENDORSER TERHADAP KEPUTUSAN PEMBELIAN (Studi Pada Konsumen Daia di Kota Semarang) 2019-04-09T10:15:56+07:00 Fauzul Munna Ali Maskur <p><em>The purpose of this study was to examine and analyze the effect of product quality, price perception, promotion, brand image and celebrity endorser on the decision to purchase Daia laundry soap. This research was conducted in the city of Semarang </em><em>The population in this study is consumers who have used and bought Daia in the city of Semarang. The sampling technique used in this study was purposive sampling with a total sample of 105 respondents. This study uses primary data with data collection techniques, namely questionnaires and interviews. Data were analyzed using validity test, reliability test, multiple regression analysis, F test, determination coefficient test (R2), t test, which was then processed using the SPSS 19 computer program. </em><em>The results showed that product quality had a positive and insignificant effect on purchasing decisions. Price perception has a positive and significant effect on purchasing decisions. Promotion has a positive and significant effect on purchasing decisions. Brand image has a positive and not significant effect on purchasing decisions. Celebrity endorsers have a positive and significant effect on purchasing decisions.</em></p> 2019-03-29T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PENGARUH DESAIN PRODUK KELENGKAPAN PRODUK DAN HARGA TERHADAP KEPUTUSAN PEMBELIAN PRODUK EIGER DI SEMARANG 2019-04-09T10:18:28+07:00 Juliana Devi Purnama Putri Mulyo Budi Setiawan <p><em>This research aims to determine how much influence the product design, product completeness, and price on the purchasing decision of EIGER products in Semarang. And this research also aims to analyze the most dominant factors affecting purchasing decisions on EIGER products in Semarang. The population used in this study is consumers who buy EIGER products in Semarang. The sample in this study were 100 respondents and the technique used was a non-probability sampling technique with a purposive sampling approach (sampling based on certain considerations). The analytical method used is quantitative analysis, namely multiple regression analysis. Based on the t test, it can be seen that the complete product and price variables have a positive and significant effect on purchasing decisions while the product design variables have a positive and not significant effect on the purchasing decisions of EIGER products in Semarang.</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> 2019-03-29T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PENGARUH DISIPLIN KERJA, KEPUASAN KERJA, DAN MOTIVASI TERHADAP KINERJA KARYAWAN (Studi Pada CV GARUDA PLASTIK KURIPAN DEMAK) 2019-04-09T10:20:30+07:00 Niti Dwi Rahma Ningrum <p>This study aims to test and analyze the effect of Work Discipline, Job Satisfaction and Motivation on employee performance. The analytical tool used is multiple regression, while to test the hypothesis using the t test. Data collection through questionnaires with measurements using a Likert scale 5 (five) alternative answers. The object of research is CV employees. Garuda Plastic Demak Demak. The number of samples in this study were 87 respondents. The sampling technique uses simple random sampling. The results showed that (1) Work Discipline had a positive and significant effect on employee performance (2) Job Satisfaction had a significant positive effect on employee performance, (3) Motivation did not affect employee performance.</p> <p><strong>&nbsp;</strong></p> <p><strong>&nbsp;</strong></p> 2019-03-29T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PENGARUH LINGKUNGAN KERJA DAN KOMPENSASI TERHADAP KINERJA KARYAWAN PADA PT NASMOCO MAJAPAHIT SEMARANG 2019-04-09T10:22:50+07:00 Eva Aniniawati Kis Indriyaningrum <p><em>This study aims to examine and analyze the influence of the Work Environment and Compensation on Employee Performance at PT. Naroco Majapahit Semarang. The research location at PT. Naroco Majapahit Semarang, with a sample size of 90 respondents. The sampling method used is the census method. The analysis tool used is multiple regression, as for testing the hypothesis using the level of sig &lt;0.05. Data collection by measurement using a Likert scale 5 (five) alternative answers. The results showed that the work environment has a positive and significant effect on employee performance, Compensation has a positive and significant effect on employee performance.</em></p> <p><strong><em>&nbsp;</em></strong></p> 2019-03-29T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PENGARUH KOMPENSASI, GAYA KEPEMIMPINAN DAN KOMITMEN ORGANISASI TERHADAP KINERJA KARYAWAN (Studi Kasus pada PT. Sun Star Motr Mitsubishi Semarang) 2019-04-09T10:27:14+07:00 Arum Yudha Andini Muhaimin Muhaimin <p><em>The purpose of this study is to analyze the influence of Compensation, Leadership Styles, and Organizational Commitment to Employee Performance at PT. Sun Star Motor Mitsubishi Semarang. In this study the dependent variables that affect the performance of employees are limited to Compensation, Leadership Styles, and Organizational Commitment.The population in this study is the entire Employee Performance at PT. Sun Star Motor Mitsubishi Semarang which amounted 55 people. And selected as many as 55 respondents who serve as a sample. Data analysis techniques used are the validity test, reliability test and multiple linear regression analysis using IBM SPSS software version 23 to test and prove the research hypothesis.The result of multiple linear regression test shows that Compensation has positive and significant influence to employee performance, Leadership Styleshas positive and significant influence to employee performance, and Organizational Commitmenthas positive and significant influence to employee performance.</em></p> <p><strong><em>&nbsp;</em></strong></p> 2019-03-29T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PENGARUH KEPEMIMPINAN TRANSFORMASIONAL, KOMITMEN ORGANISASI DAN KEPUASAN KERJA TERHADAP KINERJA KARYAWAN” (Studi Pada PT. Telkom Semarang Unit Regional Operation Center) 2019-04-09T10:29:35+07:00 Regita Verella Dea Rahayu Kis Indriyaningrum <p><em>The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of Transformational Leadership Style, Organizational Commitment, and Job Satisfaction on Employee Performance at PT. Telkom Semarang Regional Operation Unit Center. This study also aims to jointly find out the effects of the three independent variables on the dependent variable, and to find out which variables are the most dominant influence among the three independent variables on the dependent variable. This type of research uses quantitative research, with a population of 88 employees. Data collection using questionnaires with census samples. </em>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <em>Based on the calculation of SPSS 21 in this study shows that Transformational Leadership has a positive and significant effect on employee performance. Whereas the Organizational Commitment variable and Job Satisfaction variable have no significant effect on Employee Performance. The coefficient of determination obtained value of 0.273 which means that transformational leadership variables, organizational commitment and job satisfaction can explain employee performance by 27.3% and the remainder is influenced by other variables not explained in this study.</em></p> <p><strong><em>&nbsp;</em></strong></p> 2019-03-29T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PENGARUH KUALITAS LAYANAN, LOKASI DAN CITRA PERUSAHAAN TERHADAP KEPUASAN PELANGGAN (Studi pada Pelanggan Hotel Horison Semarang) 2019-04-09T10:35:03+07:00 Dini Oktaviani Euis Soliha <p><em>This study aims to examine and analyze the influence of service quality, location and company image on customer satisfaction. The population in this study were customers of the Horison Hotel Semarang. The sampling method used in this study was purposive sampling. The sample in this research is 100 customers of Semarang Horison Hotel who have made lodging more than 2 times. Data collection through questionnaires using a Likert scale 5 (five) alternative answers. Testing instruments using validity which shows the results of the value of KMO &gt;0.5 and the value of loading factor &gt;0.4 and reliability which shows the Cronbach alpha value&gt; 0.70. Based on the results of the study, the regression equation was found as follows: Y = 0.147X1 + 0.321X2 + 0.476X3 + </em><em>ℯ</em><em>. The most powerful variable is company image (0.476) and followed by location (0.321) and the last is service quality (0.147). Model testing using the coefficient of determination and F (goodness of fit) test. At the value of </em><em>&nbsp;</em><em>of 0.711 which shows that 71.1 percent of customer satisfaction can be explained by variables of service quality, location and company image. Testing the hypothesis in this study using the t test. The variables used in this study are service quality, location, company image and customer satisfaction. The results showed that service quality has a positive and significant effect on customer satisfaction, location has a positive and significant effect on customer satisfaction and the company's image has a positive and significant effect on customer satisfaction.</em></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> 2019-03-29T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PENGARUH KUALITAS LAYANAN, CITRA BANK DAN LOKASI TERHADAP KEPUASAN NASABAH (Studi pada Nasabah Tabungan Tamades PD. BPR BKK Demak Cabang Sayung) 2019-04-09T10:37:26+07:00 Nurul Khotimah Euis Soliha <p><em>This study aims to test the effect of service quality, bank image, and location on customer satisfaction. This research conducted in PD. BPR BKK Demak Cabang Sayung. The analysis tool used is multiple regression, as for testing the hypothesis using the t test. Data collection through questionnaires with measurements using a Likert scale 5 (five) without alternative answers. The sampling technique is done on a non probability sampling basis and this sampling method uses purposive sampling.The number of samples in this study were 100 customers saving Tamades PD. BPR BKK Demak Branch Sayung.</em><em>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; In this study the instrument test used a validity test which showed the results of the KMO value&gt; 0.5 and the value of the loading factor&gt; 0.4 so that all the indicator variables used were declared valid and feasible for research and reliability testing which showed the results of cronbach's alpha&gt; 0, 70 so that it can be said to be reliable. The results of the research show that service quality has no effect to customer satisfaction, the bank's image has a positive and significant effect to customer satisfaction, and location has a positive and significant effect to customer satisfaction.</em><em>&nbsp;</em></p> 2019-03-29T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PENGARUH PERPUTARAN KAS, PERPUTARAN PERSEDIAAN, PERPUTARAN PIUTANG, DAN DEBT TO EQUITY RATIO TERHADAP PROFITABILITAS PERUSAHAAN (Studi Pada Perusahaan Food and Beverages Yang Terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia Periode 2013-2017) 2019-04-09T10:40:29+07:00 Safina Komalasari Moch. Irsad <p><em>This study axamined the effect of Cash Turnover, Inventory Turnover, Receivable Turnover and Debt to Equity Ratio to Profitability at manufacturing business in Indonesian stock axchange period 2013-2015. The population in this research was sub sector of Food and Beverages Companies listed in Indonesian Stock Exchange. The samples with predetermined criteria were 64 Food and Beverages companies that went public on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. The sampling technique used was Purposive Sampling Method or sampling technique with certain considerations or criteria during 2013-2017, so the number of samples (n) = 64. While the method used is Multiple Regression Analysis. The test result showed that the Cash Turnover has negative and not significant influence on Profitability, Inventory Turnover has positive and not significant influence on Profitability, Accounts Receivable has negative and not significant influence on Profitability and Debt To Equity Ratio has negative and significant influence on Profitability</em>.</p> 2019-03-29T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PENGARUH CITRA MEREK DAN PERSEPSI HARGA TERHADAP MINAT BELI (STUDI PADA FOLLOWERS INSTAGRAM ACCOUNT KAWAII COKELAT) 2019-04-09T11:03:15+07:00 Chandra Arief Bambang Sutejo <p><em>This study aims to analyze the effect of brand image and price perception on buying interests of Instagram followers on the Kawaii Cokelat account. This research is a quantitative type that uses primary data. The technique of collecting data using a digital questionnaire (Google Form) is sent via Instagram direct messages (DM). Sampling is done by using purposive sampling method because respondents already have criteria.The results of the model test (F) have a value of 145,561 with a significance of 0,000 &lt;0,05 so that the brand image variable and perceived price can be met together. The independent variable has a contribution of 0.712 which is listed on the value of adhjusted R². Hypothesis test results (t) brand image variables have a positive and significant influence with a t value of 10.261 and a significance of 0,000 &lt;0.05 so that H1 is accepted, then the price perception variable has a positive and significant effect with a value of t count 3.597 and a significance level of 0,000 &lt; 0.05 and on the value so H2 is requested to be accepted.</em><em>&nbsp;</em></p> 2019-03-29T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PENGARUH RETURN ON ASSET, EARNING PER SHARE DAN DIVIDEN PAYOUT RATIO TERHADAP HARGA SAHAM (Studi Pada Perusahaan Yang Terdaftar di LQ 45 Tahun 2013 – 2015) 2019-04-09T11:05:36+07:00 Dwi Meranti Moch. Irsad <p><em>This study examines the Effect of Return On Assets, Earning Per Share and Dividend Payout Ratio on Stock Prices in Companies Listed in LQ 45 in 2013 - 2015)</em></p> <p><em>The population in this study was a company registered in LQ 45. The research samples with predetermined criteria were 111 companies. With Purposive sampling method or sampling technique with certain considerations or criteria during 2013-2015, so the number of samples (n) = 111. While the method used is Multiple Regression Analysis.</em></p> <p><em>The test results obtained that the variable Return on Assets (ROA) has a significant positive effect on stock prices, Earning Per Share (EPS) has no significant negative effect on stock prices and Dividend Payout Ratio (DPR) has a positive and not significant effect on stock prices.</em></p> <p><strong><em>&nbsp;</em></strong></p> 2019-03-29T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PENGARUH PELATIHAN KERJA, DISIPLIN KERJA, GAYA KEPEMIMPINAN TRANSFORMASIONAL DAN GAYA KEPEMIMPINAN TRANSAKSIONAL TERHADAP KINERJA PEGAWAI (Studi pada Dinas Koperasi dan UKM Provinsi Jawa Tengah) 2019-04-09T11:07:46+07:00 Hanif Maesaroh sri Rahayuningsih <p><em>This study aims to analyze the effect of job training, work discipline, transformational leadership style, and transactional leadership style on the performance of Central Java Province Cooperative and Small and Medium Enterprises staff. The type of data used is primary data, namely data obtained directly from the original source in the form of a questionnaire. The population of this study were employees of the Central Java Provincial Office of Cooperatives and Small and Medium Enterprises. Sampling was done by purposive sampling technique with a total sample of 73 respondents. The collected data were analyzed using factor analysis to test the validity of question items, reliability testing using Cronbach alpha, and hypothesis testing using multiple linear regression. The test results obtained that there is a positive and significant effect of job training on employee performance, there is a positive and significant influence of work discipline on employee performance, there is a positive and significant influence of transformational leadership style on employee performance, and there is a positive and significant effect of transformational leadership style on employee performance.</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> 2019-03-29T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PENGARUH RISIKO LIKUIDITAS, RISIKO KREDIT DAN RISIKO OPERASIONAL TERHADAP KINERJA KEUANGAN BANK (Studi pada Bank Umum yang terdaftar di BEI 2015-2017) 2019-04-09T11:10:23+07:00 Olivia Dhenok Arumsari Bambang sudiyatno <p><em>Profitability in the company is a reflection of the financial performance of a company and will affect the decisions of investors who will invest their capital into the company. This study examines the effect of liquidity risk, credit risk and operational risk on financial performance of companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange.</em></p> <p><em>The sampling method uses purpose sampling for banking companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange with the period 2015-2017, which are 28 companies for 3 years to be 84 data. The influence between variables is explained using the method of multiple regression analysis.</em></p> <p><em>The results showed that the LDR did not significantly influence ROA in the banking companies listed on the IDX for the period 2015-2017. NPL does not significantly influence ROA for companies listed on the IDX for the period 2015-2017. BOPO has a negative and significant effect on ROA in banking companies listed on the IDX for the period 2015-2017.</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> 2019-03-29T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PENGARUH MOTIVASI, KOMPETENSI, DAN LINGKUNGAN KERJA TERHADAP KINERJA KARYAWAN PERUM BULOG DIVRE JATENG’’ 2019-04-09T11:14:22+07:00 Della Amanda Sari Agus Murdiyanto <p>This study aims to examine and analyze the influence of Motivation, Competence, and Work Environment on the Performance of Employees of Central Java Regional Logistics Bureau. The population in this study is the total number of employees totaling 108 respondents. The data used are primary data, namely data obtained directly from the source. The technique of data collection is done by questionnaire. The analytical method used is the feasibility test of the data, the feasibility test of the model, hypothesis testing using multiple linear regression.&nbsp; Data collected after testing results all data declared valid and reliable. The results showed that motivation had a positive and significant effect on the performance of Central Java Regional Division Bulog employees. Competence has a positive and significant effect on the performance of Central Java Regional Bureau of Logistics Bureau employees. The Work Environment has a positive and significant effect on the performance of Central Java Regional Bureau of Logistics Bureau employees.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>&nbsp;</strong></p> 2019-03-29T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## ANALISA PENGARUH RASIO KEUANGAN TERHADAP PERTUMBUHAN LABA PERUSAHAAN FOOD AND BEVERAGES YANG TERDAFTAR DI BURSA EFEK INDONESIA PERIODE 2014-2017 2019-04-09T11:20:26+07:00 RizqiAniMaghfiroh Moch. Irsad <p><em>This study aims to analyze the effect of financial ratios on the profit growth of food and beverages companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange for the period 2014-2017. The financial ratio in this study is represented by </em><em>Total Assets Turnover Ratio, Fixed Assets Turnover Ratio, Inventory Turnover&nbsp; Ratio, Current Ratio, Debt to Assets Ratio, and Working Capital to Total Assets Ratio. </em><em>The sampling technique used was purposive sampling which obtained a sample of 11 companies for the 2014-2017 research period. The tests used in this study were the Normality Test, Classical Assumption Test (Multicollinearity Test, Autocorrelation Test, Heterocedasticity Test), multiple linear regression, determination test, F Test and t test. </em><em>The results of the study show (1) Total Assets Turnover Ratio has a significant positive effect on earnings growth, (2) Fixed Assets Turnover Ratio has a significant negative effect on earnings growth, (3) Inventory Turnover Ratio has no significant positive effect on profit growth, (4) Current Ratio not significant positive effect on profit growth, (5) Debt to Assets Ratio has a significant negative effect on earnings growth, (6) Working Capital to Total Assets Ratio has a positive and insignificant effect on earnings growth.</em></p> <p><strong><em>&nbsp;</em></strong></p> 2019-03-29T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PENGARUH CAR, LDR, NPL, DAN BOPO TERHADAP KINERJA PERBAKAN DI BURSA EFEK INDONESIA TAHUN 2013 – 2106 2019-04-09T11:54:46+07:00 Lela Marina sri Sudarsi <p><em>This study aims to test and analyse the effect of Capital Adequacy Ratio, Loan to Deposit Ratio, Non-Performing Loan, and BOPO towards profitability (Return on Assets) of Banking Companies listed on Indonesia Stock Exchange period of 2013 – 2016.&nbsp; T</em><em>his study used purposive sampling method with sample size as 108 banking companies. Hypothesis testing using t-test with 5% significance level. </em><em>The result showed that Capital Adequacy Ratio has negative significant effect toward Return on Assets, Loan to Deposit Ratio and Non- Performing Loan has no effect toward Return on Assets, while BOPO has negative and significant effect toward Return on Assets.</em></p> 2019-03-29T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PENGARUH SELF EFFICACY DAN LINGKUNGAN KERJA TERHADAP KOMITMEN ORGANISASIONAL (STUDI PADA KARYAWAN PT. SARANA PATRA JATENG) 2019-04-16T09:17:33+07:00 Ica Arim Tiana Bambang Suko Priyono <p><em>The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of self efficacy and work environment to organizational commitment of employee PT. Sarana Patra Jateng. Types&nbsp; of data used are primary data is obtained directly from the original source in the from questionnaire. Population in this research is employees of PT. Sarana Patra Jateng. Sampling was done by saturated sample with a total sample of 82 respondents. The data&nbsp; collected&nbsp; were analyzed using factor analysis to test the validity of&nbsp; the question items, the reliability testing using cronbach alpha and hypothesis testing using t test. The test result obtained that there is a positive and significant influence of self efficacy on organizational commitment and there is a positive and significant influence of work environment&nbsp; on organizational commitment.</em></p> 2019-03-29T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PENGARUH KUALITAS PRODUK, PERSEPSI HARGA, DAN PROMOSI TERHADAP PROSES KEPUTUSAN PEMBELIAN HANDPHONE OPPO SMARTPHONE (Studi pada konsumen CV. Surya Sakti Persada Sinarmas Selluler Cabang Matahari Plaza Simpang Lima Semarang) 2019-04-16T09:24:39+07:00 Rina Widiastuti Euis Soliha <p><em>The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of product quality, price perception, and promotion on the purchasing decision process of the Oppo Smartphone mobile phone (Study on CV. Surya Sakti Persada Sinarmas Selluler Matahari Simpang Lima Semarang branch). The study used the questionnaire method as data collection. The population in this study were consumers of the Oppo Smartphone on CV. Surya Sakti Persada Sinarmas Selluler Matahari branch Simpang Lima Semarang. The sampling technique in this study used purposive sampling. Data analysis using multiple linear regression.&nbsp;</em><em> The results showed that product quality had a positive and significant effect on the process of buying Oppo Smartphone. Furthermore, the Price Perception has a positive and significant effect on the process of purchasing Oppo Smartphone and Promotional Mobile phones with a positive and significant effect on the process of buying Oppo Smartphone.</em><em>&nbsp;</em></p> <p><strong><em>&nbsp;</em></strong></p> 2019-03-29T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PENGARUH KUALITAS PRODUK, PERSEPSI HARGA, DAN PROMOSI TERHADAP PROSES KEPUTUSAN PEMBELIAN HANDPHONE OPPO SMARTPHONE (Studi pada konsumen CV. Surya Sakti Persada Sinarmas Selluler Cabang Matahari Plaza Simpang Lima Semarang) 2019-04-16T09:36:43+07:00 Rina Widiastuti Euis Soliha <p><em>The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of product quality, price perception, and promotion on the purchasing decision process of the Oppo Smartphone mobile phone (Study on CV. Surya Sakti Persada Sinarmas Selluler Matahari Simpang Lima Semarang branch). The study used the questionnaire method as data collection. The population in this study were consumers of the Oppo Smartphone on CV. Surya Sakti Persada Sinarmas Selluler Matahari branch Simpang Lima Semarang. The sampling technique in this study used purposive sampling. Data analysis using multiple linear regression.</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; The results showed that product quality had a positive and significant effect on the process of buying Oppo Smartphone. Furthermore, the Price Perception has a positive and significant effect on the process of purchasing Oppo Smartphone and Promotional Mobile phones with a positive and significant effect on the process of buying Oppo Smartphone.</em><em>&nbsp;</em></p> 2019-03-29T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PENGARUH KUALITAS PRODUK, PERSEPSI HARGA, DAN LOKASI TERHADAP KEPUTUSAN PENGECER DALAM PEMBELIAN AIR MINUM AQUA KEMASAN GALON DI KECAMATAN NGAMPEL 2019-04-16T09:41:45+07:00 Ainun Najib Bambang Sutejo <p><em>This study examines the effect of product quality on the consumer decision process in purchasing gallon bottled Aqua water in Ngampel District. the influence of price perceptions on the consumer decision process in purchasing Aqua gallon bottled water in Ngampel District. The effect of location on the consumer decision process in purchasing Aqua bottled gallons in Ngampel Sub-district. </em><em>The sampling method with purposive sampling technique, the research sample taken in this study were 106 respondents who were buyers of Aqua brand gallon mineral water at Wahid Wholesale Shop Agent in Dempelrejo Village, Ngampel District. Data analysis using multiple linear regression analysis. Hypothesis testing uses t test </em><em>The results show that product quality has a positive effect on purchasing decisions. Price has a positive effect on purchasing decisions. Location has a positive effect on purchasing decisions</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> <p><strong><em>&nbsp;</em></strong></p> 2019-03-29T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PENGARUH KUALITAS PRODUK, KUALITAS LAYANAN DAN CITRA MEREK TERHADAP KEPUASAN KONSUMEN (Studi Pada Waroeng Spesial Sambal “SS”, Cab. Sampangan) 2019-04-16T09:44:27+07:00 Fitri Nur Rokhmat suzy Widyasari <p><em>The purpose of this study is to analyze the effect of product quality, service quality, and brand image on customer satisfaction of Waroeng Spesial Sambal "SS", Cab. Sampangan city of Semarang. The population in this study were consumers who visiting Waroeng Spesial Sambal "SS" Cab. Sampangan city of Semarang. Sampling is done by "Purposive Sampling" technique, which is the of determining samples with certain considerations in accordance with the desired objectives. With the number of samples studied as many as 100 respondents. The collected data is then analyzed use factor analysis to test the validity of question items, Cronbach's alpha formula to test the reliability of the instrument, regression analysis to test the magnitude of the influence partially of each independent variable tested by the coefficient of determination and fit test models to test and prove the influence partially each independent variable. The results in this study show that product quality has a positive and significant effect on customer satisfaction, service quality does not affect consumer satisfaction, and brand image does not affect consumer satisfaction. The variable which has the greatest influence on customer satisfaction is product quality.</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> 2019-03-29T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PENGARUH KUALITAS LAYANAN, KUALITAS PRODUK, PERSEPSI HARGA, DAN CITRA MEREK TERHADAP KEPUASAN PELANGGAN DAN MINAT BELI ULANG PADA HAYFA BEAUTY SKIN CARE SEMARANG 2019-04-16T09:48:53+07:00 Dinar Krushita Devi R Basiya <p><em>The purpose of this study is to analyze the effect of service quality, product quality, price perception and brand image on custumer satisfaction and repurchase intention of Hayfa Beauty Skin Care Semarang.Population in this reasearch</em><em> is Customer Hayfa Beauty Skin Care in Semarang. </em><em>The number of samples is as many as 100 respondents who use sampling technique by purposive sampling. Data testing techniques used include validity test with factor analysis, reliability test with alpha cronbach, and multiple regression analysis.</em><em>The result of this research show that </em><em>s</em><em>ervice </em><em>q</em><em>uality, </em><em>p</em><em>roduct </em><em>q</em><em>uality, </em><em>p</em><em>rice </em><em>p</em><em>erception and </em><em>b</em><em>rand </em><em>i</em><em>mage variable have positve and significant effect to </em><em>c</em><em>ostomer </em><em>s</em><em>atisfaction and </em><em>r</em><em>epurchase </em><em>i</em><em>ntention</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> <p><strong><em>&nbsp;</em></strong></p> 2019-03-29T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Pengaruh Kepemimpinan Transformasional, Motivasi Kerja Dan Lingkungan Kerja Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan” (Studi Pada Badan PT. Kereta Api Indonesia Daop IV Semarang) 2019-04-16T09:51:53+07:00 Sri Wahyuni Kis Indriyaningrum <p>This study examines the effect of transformational leadership, work motivation, work environment and employee performance. This research was conducted at PT KAI DAOP IV Semarang. The sampling method uses purposive sampling with a period of 2013. The relationship and / or influence between variables is explained using multiple regression analysis methods. The results showed that transformational leadership, work motivation and work environment had a significant positive effect on employee performance in the company.</p> 2019-03-29T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PENGARUH GAYA KEPEMIMPINAN, KOMPENSASI DAN LINGKUNGAN KERJA TERHADAP KINERJA KARYAWAN (Studi Pada PT. Telkom Witel Semarang) 2019-04-16T09:53:48+07:00 Riyan Hidayat <p><em>This study aims to analyze the influence of leadership style, compensation, and work environment, on the performance of employees of PT. Telkom Witel Semarang. The population in this study is the total number of employees totaling 115 respondents. The data used are primary data, that is data obtained directly from the source. The technique used for primary data collection is done by means of questionnaires to the respondents. The data collected in the analysis using factor analysis to test the validity of item statement, reliability testing using cronbach alpha, and hypothesis testing using multiple linear regression. The test results obtained about the positive and significant influence of leadership style on employee performance, positive and significant effects of compensation on employee performance, positive and significant influence of the work environment on employee performance.</em></p> 2019-03-29T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PENGARUH PERSEPSI HARGA, KUALITAS LAYANAN, DAN LOKASI TERHADAP KEPUTUSAN PEMBELIAN (Studi Pada Konsumen Semarang Roru Cake) 2019-04-16T09:56:17+07:00 Windi Nova Dayanti Rokh Eddy Prabowo <p><em>The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of each independent variable on price, service quality, and location perceptions of Semarang Roru Cake product purchasing decisions. The population in this study were all Semarang Roru Cake product buyers in the Semarang Regency region with a sample of 96 people. Research data is processed using the help of SPSS version 19. The results of data processing indicate that all indicators are valid and all variables are reliable. Variable perceptions of price, service quality, and location significantly influence the purchasing decisions of Semarang Roru Cake products.</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> 2019-03-29T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PENGARUH KEPEMIMPINAN, LINGKUNGAN KERJA DAN BUDAYA ORGANISASI TERHADAP KINERJA PEGAWAI (Studi pada Kantor Sekretariat Daerah Kabupaten Grobogan) 2019-04-16T09:58:46+07:00 Saputri Bambang Suko Priyono <p><em>This study aims to examine and analyze the influence of Leadership, Work Environment and Work Culture on Employee Performance. The object of research in this paper is at the Regional Secretariat Office of Grobogan Regency. The population in this study were all employees of the Regional Secretariat Office of Grobogan Regency by distributing using census or saturated sampling methods. The questionnaire data collection technique in this study used a Likert scale. </em><em>The results of this study are: leadership has no influence on employee performance, work environment partially has a positive and significant effect on employee performance, and organizational culture partially has a positive and significant effect on employee performance. From these results it can also be concluded that simultaneously leadership variables, work environment and organizational culture have an influence on employee performance which is more dominated by organizational culture variables.</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> <p><strong><em>&nbsp;</em></strong></p> 2019-03-29T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PENGARUH KUALITAS PRODUK, CITRA MEREK, PERSEPSI HARGA, DAN PROMOSI TERHADAP KEPUTUSAN PEMBELIAN HONDA VARIO (Studi Empiris Pada Dealer Cendana Wangi Pekalongan) 2019-04-16T10:08:37+07:00 Gilang Dipa R. Euis Soliha <p><em>This study seeks to examine the Effect of Product Quality, Brand Image, Price Perception, and Promotion on Honda Vario Purchase Decisions at the Cendana Wangi Dealer in Pekalongan.This study used a sample of 78 respondents who decided to buy Honda Vario at the Pekalongan Wangi Sandalwood Dealer using a multiple linear regression analysis tool. Based on the results of the study indicate that product quality has a positive and significant effect on purchasing decisions. The better the quality of the product, the purchasing decision increases, the brand image does not affect the purchasing decision, the price perception does not affect the purchasing decision, the promotion has a positive and significant effect on the purchasing decision. The more active promotions are made, the purchasing decisions increase.</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> <p><strong><em>&nbsp;</em></strong></p> 2019-03-29T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PENGARUH KETIDAKPUASAN KONSUMEN, KUALITAS PRODUK DAN PERSEPSI HARGA TERHADAP PERPINDAHAN MEREK SMARTPHONE] BLACKBERRY KE SAMSUNG (Studi Pada Masyarakat Kota Semarang) 2019-04-16T10:11:03+07:00 Hendrik Dwi Helichonia Euis Soliha <p>Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis variabel ketidakpuasan konsumen, kualitas produk dan persepsi harga terhadap perpindahan merek smartphone merek Blackberry ke smartphone merek Samsung di Kota Semarang. Jumlah sampel dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 100 responden. Teknik sampling yang digunakan adalah <em>purposive sampling </em>dimana yang menjadi responden adalah konsumen yang pernah berpindah merek dari Blackberry ke Samsung. Pengumpulan data menggunakan metode penyebaran kuesioner. Analisis data menggunakan regresi linier berganda.</p> <p>Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa variabel ketidakpuasan konsumen berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap perpindahan merek. Hal ini menunjukan bahwa semakin tinggi ketidakpuasan konsumen Blackberry maka keputusan beralih merek dari Blackberry ke Samsung akan semakin meningkat. Kualitas produk berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap perpindahan merek. Artinya semakin tinggi kualitas produk suatu barang maka semakin tinggi pula kemungkinan untuk berpindah merek. Dan persepsi harga berpengaruh negatif tetapi tidak signifikan sehingga persepsi harga tidak berpengaruh terhadap perpindahan merek. Hal ini dimungkinkan karena sebagian besar responden dalam melakukan perpindahan merek bersikap tidak rasional dan melihat dari segi persepsi harga.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> 2019-03-29T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## FAKTOR – FAKTOR YANG MEMPENGARUHI KEPATUHAN WAJIB PAJAK (Studi pada Wajib Pajak Orang Pribadi yang Terdaftar di KPP Pratama Semarang Timur) 2019-04-16T10:14:35+07:00 Chintya Ruri Ayuningtyas <p><em>This study aims to examine and analyze empirically the effects of tax socialization, the application of the e-SPT system, tax sanction education level, and motivation towards taxpayer compliance with registered individual taxpayers at the Pratama Semarang East Tax Office in 2014 - 2017.</em></p> <p><em>The population used in this study is an individual taxpayer registered at the Pratama East Semarang Tax Office as many as 34,428 WPOP in 2017. The sampling technique in this study was purposive sampling, namely sampling based on criteria. The criteria used are taxpayers aged = ≥ 20 years to ≤ 64 years with self-employment and are in the environment of the East Semarang Pratama Tax Office. The data analysis technique uses multiple linear regression analysis. </em><em>The results showed that tax socialization had a positive effect on tax compliance. The implementation of the e-SPT system has a positive effect on taxpayer compliance. Education level has a positive effect on tax compliance. Tax sanctions have a positive effect on tax compliance. Motivation has a positive effect on tax compliance</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> 2019-03-29T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PENGARUH SELF EFFICACY DAN LINGKUNGAN KERJA TERHADAP KOMITMEN ORGANISASIONAL (STUDI PADA KARYAWAN PT. SARANA PATRA JATENG) 2019-04-16T10:16:59+07:00 Ica Arim Tiana Bambang Suko Priyono <p><em>The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of self efficacy and work environment to organizational commitment of employee PT. Sarana Patra Jateng. Types&nbsp; of data used are primary data is obtained directly from the original source in the from questionnaire. Population in this research is employees of PT. Sarana Patra Jateng. Sampling was done by saturated sample with a total sample of 82 respondents. The data&nbsp; collected&nbsp; were analyzed using factor analysis to test the validity of&nbsp; the question items, the reliability testing using cronbach alpha and hypothesis testing using t test. The test result obtained that there is a positive and significant influence of self efficacy on organizational commitment and there is a positive and significant influence of work environment&nbsp; on organizational commitment.</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> 2019-03-29T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PENGARUH PERSEPSI HARGA, KUALITAS LAYANAN, DAN LOKASI TERHADAP KEPUTUSAN PEMBELIAN (Studi Pada Konsumen Semarang Roru Cake) 2019-04-16T10:20:05+07:00 Windi Nova Dayanti Rokh Eddy Prabowo <p><em>The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of each independent variable on price, service quality, and location perceptions of Semarang Roru Cake product purchasing decisions. The population in this study were all Semarang Roru Cake product buyers in the Semarang Regency region with a sample of 96 people. Research data is processed using the help of SPSS version 19. The results of data processing indicate that all indicators are valid and all variables are reliable. Variable perceptions of price, service quality, and location significantly influence the purchasing decisions of Semarang Roru Cake products.</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> 2019-03-29T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PENGARUH KUALITAS PRODUK, PERSEPSI HARGA DAN LOKASI TERHADAP KEPUTUSAN PEMBELIAN (Studi Pada Konsumen Toko Tong Hien Semarang) 2019-04-16T10:22:42+07:00 Irwinda Amelita Rahmayani Endang Tjahjaningsih <p><em>Today's world of trade is competition in marketing products or services. Marketing activities have a very important role in the business world, given their orientation towards society (consumers). Purchasing decisions are important to analyze because of the existence of a free market. This study aims to examine the effect of product quality, price perception, and location on consumer purchasing decisions in Tong Hien Semarang.&nbsp;</em> <em>The sampling method uses purposive sampling which is sampling with certain considerations so that the samples used in this study were 100 respondents. The data used is primary data. The data is obtained directly from consumers Tong Hien Semarang shop that has made a purchase through the questionnaire method (questionnaire). The primary data was analyzed by SPSS 22.0 software through an instrument test in the form of multiple linear regression tests, test coefficient of determination (R<sup>2</sup>) and F test, and hypothesis testing in the form of t test.&nbsp;</em> <em>The results of this study indicate that partially, product quality variables have a positive and significant effect on purchasing decisions, price perception variables have a positive and significant effect on decisions, location variables have a positive and significant effect on purchasing decisions.</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> 2019-03-29T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PENGARUH GAYA KEPEMIMPINAN, MOTIVASI, DAN DISIPLIN KERJA TERHADAP KINERJA KARYAWAN (Studi Pada PT. Pos Indonesia Cabang Kota Semarang ) 2019-04-16T10:25:00+07:00 Elfrida Dwi Ana Listyani Agus Murdiyanto <p><em>This study analyzes leadership style, motivation and work discipline on employee performance. The object of this research in this renewal is the PT.Pos Indonesia branch of Semarang city in this study amounted to 150 employees, samples were calculated by the Slovin formula and the results of 90 respondents. Sampling in this study uses Probability sampling with proportional random sampling. The sample obtained amounted to 60 respondents with a questionnaire (questionnaire) consisting of a list of approvals. After the data is collected, an instrument test is conducted which consists of validity test with factor analysis and reliability test with cronbach alpha. Data analysis in this study used multiple linear regression models with F test and t test. Data processing is done with SPSS 19. The results of the research are: (1) positive and not significant leadership style on employee performance, (2) positive and significant motivation on employee performance. (3) Positive and significant work discipline on employee performance. This research proves the practical and experimental implications.</em></p> <p><strong>&nbsp;</strong></p> <p><strong><em>&nbsp;</em></strong></p> 2019-03-29T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PENGARUH KUALITAS PRODUK DAN PEPSEPSI HARGA TERHADAP SIKAP KONSUMEN DAN DAMPAKNYA TERHADAP NIAT BELI ULANG (Studi Pada Konsumen Hero Coffe Di Semarang) 2019-04-16T10:26:48+07:00 Ria Handayani <p><em>This study aims to examine and analyze the effect of product quality and price perceptions on consumer attitudes and to test and analyze the influence of consumer attitudes on purchase intentions on visitors to the Hero Coffe in Semarang.</em> <em>The population of this research is the visitors of Hero Coffe in Semarang. Sampling is done by using a purposive sampling method that is Hero Coffe visitors in Semarang and a sample of 100 respondents. The primary data collection method used is the questionnaire and interview method. Data were analyzed using test instruments, multiple linear regression, and model tests</em><em>. </em><em>The results showed that product quality and price perception were positive and significant towards consumer attitudes. Consumer attitudes have a positive and significant effect on intention to repurchase.</em></p> 2019-03-29T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PENGARUH PELATIHAN KERJA, MOTIVASI KERJA, DAN PENGEMBANGAN KARIR TERHADAP KINERJA PEGAWAI PADA DINAS KOPERASI DAN UKM PROVINSI JAWA TENGAH 2019-04-16T10:33:24+07:00 Yuna Eka Arsanti <p><em>This research aims to analyze the influence of </em><em>work </em><em>training, work motivation, and career development of the performance of employees. </em><em><br> The object </em><em>in this</em><em> research is an employees of </em><em>Central Java Province Cooperative and SME Office. The population in this research </em><em>are</em><em> consisted of </em><em>118</em> <em>employees, determination of samples is calculated by s</em><em>lo</em><em>vin formula and get the results of 90 respondents. </em><em>This study was a survey method</em><em> with probability sampling and simple random sampling. The sample obtained was 60 respondents by distributing questionnaires in the form of a list of statements. After the data collected, an instrument test was conducted which consisted of validity test with factor analysis and reliability test with </em><em>cronbach alpha. </em><em>The data analysis in this research used multiple linear regression models with F test and t test. The data processing is solved by SPSS 19. </em><em>Research result found that:</em><em> (1) </em><em>work </em><em>&nbsp;training has a positive and significant impact on employee</em><em>s</em><em> performance, (2) work motivation has a positive and significant impact on employee</em><em>s</em><em> performance, (3</em><em>) </em><em>career development does not significantly influence employee</em><em>s</em><em> performance</em><em>. </em><em>This research examines practical and theoretical implications.</em><em>&nbsp;</em></p> <p><strong><em>&nbsp;</em></strong></p> 2019-03-29T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PENGARUH KEPEMIMPINAN, MOTIVASI, DAN LINGKUNGAN TERHADAP KINERJA PEGAWAI (Studi Pada Dinas Perhubungan Kota Semarang) 2019-04-16T10:36:56+07:00 Shinta Lestari sri Rahayuningsih <p><em>This study analyzes the influence of leadership, motivation and work environment on employee performance. The object of research in this paper is the Semarang City Office of Transportation, the sampling technique in this study was using purposive sampling amounting to 60 respondents as samples with data collection methods using questionnaires by distributing a list of statements to respondents to obtain information. The research objective was formulated to determine the effect of leadership, motivation and work environment on employee performance.</em> <em>Analysis of the data used included, test factor analysis to test the validity of question items, cronbach alpha formula to test the reliability of each independent variable tested by regression analysis. The results of the research are: (1) Leadership has a positive and significant influence on employee performance. (2) Motivation has a positive and significant influence on employee performance. (3) Work Environment has a positive and significant influence on employee performance.</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> 2019-03-29T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PENGARUH LINGKUNGAN KERJA, DISIPLIN KERJA DAN MOTIVASI TERHADAP KINERJA PEGAWAI (STUDI PADA DINAS PEMADAM KEBAKARAN KOTA SEMARANG) 2019-04-16T10:39:18+07:00 SUNDARI AISYAH WICAKSANI <p><em>This study aims to examine and analyze the influence of the work environment, work discipline and motivation on the performance of employees of the Semarang City Fire Department Office. The population in this study were employees of the Semarang City Fire Department with a sample taken as many as 81 respondents using Simple Random Sampling which is sampling based on what criteria are appropriate to be sampled. The results of the analysis and discussion show that: (1) The work environment has a positive and significant effect on employee performance, the better the working environment, the performance of employees in the company will also increase. (2) Work discipline has a positive and significant effect on employee performance, the better the work discipline, the more employee performance increases. (3) Motivation of positive and significant falls on employee performance, the better the motivation that is given to employees then the performance also increases.</em></p> <p><strong><em>&nbsp;</em></strong></p> 2019-03-29T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PENGARUH KUALITAS PRODUK, HARGA DAN LOKASI TERHADAP KEPUTUSAN PEMBELIAN KONSUMEN (Studi pada Warung Susu Segar (STMJ) Karangdoro Semarang) 2019-04-16T10:41:48+07:00 Tri Hartini Mulyo Budi Setiawan <p><em>This study aims to examine the effect of product quality, price, and location on consumer purchasing decisions at Warung Susu Segar (STMJ) Karangdoro Semarang. The sampling method used was purposive sampling, with the number of data processed as many as 100 respondents. The analytical method used is the validity test, reliability test, multiple regression analysis, F test and t test. </em><em>Partially the results of this study indicate that product quality has a positive and significant effect on purchasing decisions, prices have a positive and significant effect on purchasing decisions, location has a positive and significant effect on purchasing decisions. Simultaneously product quality, price and location have a positive and significant effect on purchasing decisions.</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> 2019-03-29T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PENGARUH CITRA MEREK, KUALITAS PRODUK DAN PROMOSI TERHADAP PROSES KEPUTUSAN PEMBELIAN HANDPHONE MEREK SAMSUNG (STUDI PADA GERAI SAMSUNG DI MALL CIPUTRA SEMARANG) 2019-04-16T10:43:51+07:00 Ina Yulfika Candra Bambang Sutejo <p><em>The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of brand image, product quality and promotion on the decision process for purchasing Samsung brand mobile phones (Study on Samsung Outlets at Mall Ciputra Semarang). This study uses primary data and secondary data with a method of collecting data with a questionnaire. Samples taken as many as 100 respondents, using the sampling technique in this study using purposive sampling that is taking samples with the criteria that is all consumers who are crushed by Samsung at Mall Ciputra Semarang. Methods of data analysis using multiple linear regression. The test results obtained that brand image has a positive and significant effect on the process of purchasing decisions, product quality has a positive and significant effect on the process of purchasing and promotion decisions does not have a positive and significant effect on the process of purchasing decisions. </em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> <p><strong><em>&nbsp;</em></strong></p> 2019-03-29T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PENGARUH CITRA PERUSAHAAN DAN KUALITAS LAYANAN TERHADAP KEPUASAN SERTA DAMPAKNYA TERHADAP LOYALITAS PELANGGAN (Studi Pada Pelanggan Banaran 9 Resto Coffee and Tea Mugas Semarang) 2019-04-16T10:48:26+07:00 Suri Sustikawati Endang Tjahjaningsih <p><em>This study aims to determine the effect of company’s image and service quality on satisfaction and its impact on customer loyalty. This study done&nbsp; on customers of Banaran 9 Resto Coffee and Tea Mugas Semarang. </em></p> <p><em>Research using a quantitative approach. The population in this study were customer of Banaran 9 Reto Coffee and Tea Mugas Semarang. The sampling technique used in this study was purposive sampling obtained a sample of 105 respondents. Data collection techniques using questionnaires that have been tested for validity and reliability. The data analysis technique used to answer the hypothesis of this research is path analysis with the help of multiple linear regression. </em><em>The results of the study show that the company’s image has a positive and significant effesct on customer satisfaction. Service quality has a positive and significant effect on customer satisfaction. The company’s image has a positive and significant effect on customer loyalty. Service quality has a positive and significant effect on customer loyalty. Satisfaction has no significant positive effect on customer loyalty. The direct effect of company’s image on customer loyalty is more effective than using satisfaction as a mediating variable. The direct effect of service quality on customer loyalty is more effective than using satisfaction as a mediating variable.</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> 2019-03-29T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PENGARUH KUALITAS PRODUK, CITRA MEREK, DAN PERSEPSI HARGA TERHADAP KEPUTUSAN PEMBELIAN (Studi Pada Mahasiswi Unisbank Pengguna Kosmetik Wardah) 2019-04-16T10:51:01+07:00 Nona Nur Indah S. Lie Liana <p><em>This study aims to examine and analyze the effect of product quality, brand image, and price perception on purchasing decisions on wardah cosmetics. This study is a study on Unisbank female students wardah cosmetic users.</em><em>The population of this research is Unisbank Student Wardah Cosmetic User. Sampling is done by using a purposive sampling method, namely students who buy and use wardah cosmetics. Determination of the sample is based on the opinion of Roscoe in Ferdinand (2006) stating that the sample size is as follows 3 x 25 = 75 samples. Based on this, the number of samples in the study were 100 respondents. The primary data collection method used is the questionnaire and interview method. Data were analyzed using test instruments, multiple linear regression, and model tests.</em><em>The results showed that product quality has a negative effect on purchasing decisions, brand image has a positive and significant effect on purchasing decisions, price perception has a positive and significant effect on purchasing decisions. The better the quality of the product, the lower the purchasing decision, the better the brand image, the higher the purchase decision, the better the perception of the price offered, the higher the purchase decision.</em><em>Keywords: Product Quality, Brand Image, Price Perception and Purchasing Decision</em></p> 2019-03-29T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PENGARUH MOTIVASI KERJA, DISIPLIN KERJA DAN KEPEMIMPINAN TERHADAP KINERJA PEGAWAI (Studi Pada Dinas Kepemudaan, Olahraga, dan Pariwisata Provinsi Jawa Tengah) 2019-04-16T10:53:47+07:00 Rama Cheisa Pradana Putra Toto Suharmanto <p><em>This study aims to examine the effect of work motivation, work discipline, and leadership on performance. This research was conducted at Central Java Province's Youth, Sports and Tourism Service employees. </em><em>Research uses a quantitative approach. The population in this study were employees of the Central Java Province of Youth, Sports and Tourism. The sampling technique used in this study was purposive sampling obtained a sample of 80 respondents. Data collection techniques using questionnaires that have been tested for validity and reliability. The data analysis technique used to answer the hypothesis of this study is with the help of multiple linear regression. The results showed that work motivation had a positive and significant effect on employee performance. Work discipline has a positive and significant effect on employee performance. Leadership has a positive and insignificant effect on employee performance.</em></p> 2019-03-29T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PENGARUH KUALITAS PRODUK, CITRA MEREK, DAN CELEBRITY ENDORSER TERHADAP NIAT BELI ULANG WARDAH KOSMETIK (Studi Kasus pada Silka Cosmetics Semarang) 2019-04-16T10:56:03+07:00 Rianur Rahmawati r Basiya <p><em>This study aims to examine the effect of product quality, brand image and celebrity endorser on Wardah Cosmetics repurchase interest. This research was conducted at Silka Cosmetics Semarang. Respondents in this study were 100 respondents. Sampling in this study using purposive sampling technique and accidental sampling. The data collection method in this study uses a questionnaire. Analysis using SPSS 19.0 which includes validity test, reliability test, kolmogorov smirnov normality test, multiple linear regression test, statistic &nbsp;f test, coefficient of determination test, and t test. The results of this study indicate that product quality and brand image have a positive effect on repurchase interest. While celebrity endorser has a negative effect on repurchasing interest.</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> <p><strong><em>&nbsp;</em></strong></p> 2019-03-29T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## “PENGARUH PROSES REKRUITMEN, PROSES SELEKSI DAN KOMPETENSI TERHADAP KINERJA PEGAWAI BAWASLU PROVINSI JAWA TENGAH” 2019-04-16T11:04:56+07:00 WINDA ARISTA DEVI SAPUTRI Tristiana Rijanti <p><em>This study aims to analyze the influence of the Recruitment Process, Selection Process and Competence on Employee Performance. The object of this research is the employees of the Election Supervisory Body of Central Java Province. The population in this study were all employees in the Bawaslu in Central Java Province. The sampling technique in this study used the census method, all populations were used in the sample. The sample is 50 respondents and this study uses a method of collecting data with a questionnaire. The data collected in this study was processed using SPSS, then analyzed using correlation coefficients for testing validity, cronbach alpha for reliability testing, and multiple linear regression analysis to test the magnitude of the influence of each related variable. The model used in this study is a linear regression equation. The results of the regression analysis show that recruitment has a negative and significant effect on performance, selection has a positive and significant effect on performance, competence has a positive and significant effect on performance</em></p> 2019-03-29T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PENGARUH CITRA MEREK, PROMOSI, KUALITAS LAYANAN DAN PERSEPSI HARGA TERHADAP KEPUTUSAN PEMBELIAN JASA OJEK ONLINE (Studi pada Pengguna Gojek Mahasiswa Unisbank Semarang) 2019-04-16T11:11:25+07:00 Sumiarsih Ali Maskur <p><em>The purpose of this study is to test and analyze the influence of brand image, promotion, service quality and price perception on purchasing decisions. This research was conducted at Stikubank University, UNISBANK, Semarang.The population in this study was the Gojek Online motorcycle taxi service user at Stikubank University in UNISBANK Semarang with a population of 100 people. The sampling technique used in this study was purposive sampling method with a total sample of 96 people. This study uses primary data with data collection techniques using a questionnaire. Data were analyzed using validity test, reliability test, multiple regression analysis, F test, determination coefficient test (R2), t test, which was then processed using the SPSS 16 computer program.The results showed that brand image has a positive and significant effect on purchasing decisions, promotion has a positive and significant effect on purchasing decisions. Service quality has a positive and significant effect on purchasing decisions, price perception has a positive and significant effect on purchasing decision.&nbsp;</em></p> 2019-03-29T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PENGARUH KUALITAS PRODUK, CITRA MEREK, DAN KUALITAS LAYANAN TERHADAP LOYALITAS PELANGGAN DIMEDIASI KEPUASAN PELANGGAN (Studi pada Pelanggan Sepeda Motor Honda di Kota Semarang) 2019-04-16T11:15:34+07:00 Eka Ni’matul Choiriah lie Liana <p><em>The purpose of this study was to examine and analyze the effect of product quality, brand image, and service quality on customer loyalty mediated by the satisfaction of Honda motorcycle customers. This research was conducted in the city of Semarang.</em></p> <p><em>The population in this study were customers who had used and purchased Honda motorbikes in the city of Semarang. The sample in this study was taken using a purposive sampling technique with the criteria of customers who have used and purchased a Honda motorcycle at least 2 times a purchase. The sample was taken using the opinion of Roscoe. The sample size is determined 25 times the independent variable, so that 3 x 25 = 75 respondents. Therefore, this study determined as many as 100 respondents. Data were analyzed using validity test, reliability test, multiple regression analysis, F test, determination coefficient test (R2), t test, and mediation test. Data analysis techniques were carried out using the SPSS 19 computer program. </em><em>The results showed that product quality has a positive and significant effect on customer satisfaction, brand image has a positive and significant effect on customer satisfaction, service quality does not affect customer satisfaction, product quality has a positive and significant effect on customer loyalty, brand image does not affect customer loyalty, service quality does not affect customer loyalty. The mediation test results in this study indicate that product quality influences customer loyalty mediated customer satisfaction, brand image influences customer loyalty mediated customer satisfaction, service quality does not directly or indirectly affect customer loyalty.&nbsp;</em></p> 2019-03-29T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PENGARUH DANA PIHAK KETIGA, NON PERFORMING FINANCING, CAPITAL ADEQUACY RATIO, RETURN ON ASSETS, DAN INFLASI TERHADAP PEMBIAYAAN MURABAHAH BANK UMUM SYARIAH DI INDONESIA PERIODE 2013-2017 2019-04-16T11:32:05+07:00 Ibnu Alwiaziz Andi Kartika <p><em>This study aims toexamine the influence of third-party funds, Non Performing Financing</em>, <em>Capital Adequacy Ratio</em>, <em>Return On Assets</em>, and Inflation to Murabahah Financing. <em>The population in this study is syarih banking at Indonesia in 2013-2017. The sampling technique used is genetic sampling technique. Research uses secondary data obtained form annual finance report banking. The data analysis technique used is multipler linear regression analysis. </em><em>The result show that partially Non Performing Financing dan Return On Assets no effect on murabahah financing. While third-party funds, Capital Adequacy Ratio and inflation partially has a positive influance on murabahah financing. Then simultaneously, third-party funds, Non Performing Financing</em>, <em>Capital Adequacy Ratio</em>, <em>Return On Assets</em>, and Inflation have significantly affects murbahah financing.</p> <p><strong><em>&nbsp;</em></strong></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> 2019-03-29T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PENGARUH KOMUNIKASI, KOMITMEN ORGANISASIONAL, DAN BUDAYA ORGANISASI TERHADAP KINERJA KARYAWAN PADA PT. NASMOCO MAJAPAHIT, SEMARANG 2019-04-16T11:35:14+07:00 Luksia Eva Relawati Kasmari Kasmari <p>This research was conducted at PT. Nasmoco Majapahit, Semarang, where the reason for choosing PT. Nasmoco Majapahit, Semarang as the object of research because of the decline in the achievement of Toyota car sales. This is certainly a problem whose solution must be sought with the aim of research is to analyze the influence of communication, commitment organizational and organizational culture on employee performance. The study population was 51 responses. The number of samples in this study is determined by means of <em>stratifie random sampling </em>which is classifying the population into sub-populations based on the type of work, then selected from each sub-population with a proportional method to obtain the number of elements in each sample unit. Data analysis method used with linear regression as a hypothesis testing. The results of the study found (1) partially (individually) there was a positive and significant influence between communication on employee performance; (2) partially (individually) there is a positive and significant influence between commitment organizational to employee performance; (3) partially (individuals) there is a positive and significant influence between organizational culture on employee performance.</p> <p><strong><em>&nbsp;</em></strong></p> 2019-03-29T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PENGARUH GAYA KEPEMIMPINAN, KOMPENSASI DAN LINGKUNGAN KERJA TERHDAP KINERJA KARYAWAN (Studi Pada PDAM Tirta Moedal Semarang) 2019-04-16T11:38:31+07:00 Fitrikaningrum Susanti <p>This research is based on a decrease in the work performance of PDAM Tirta Moedal Semarang employees. This study aims to analyze the influence of leadership style, compensation and work environment on employee performance. The sampling technique in this study was using simple random sampling. that is by taking several members of the population randomly to be sampled. Population of&nbsp; 432 which was then calculated using the Slovin formula, with a sample of 81 samples. With the following research proportions, 6 research and development samples, 6 financial samples, 8 secretariat samples, 6 equipment samples, 6 staff samples, 5 planning and evaluation samples, production I is 12 samples, production II is 8 sample, transmission, and distribution of 15 samples, equipment and treatments 9 sample. Data collection in this study uses a questionnaire (questionnaire) in which there are several statements relating to the variables under study. The collected data is processed using SPSS 20, the results of multiple linear regression analysis are <strong>Y = 0,401 (X<sub>1</sub>) + 0,245 (X<sub>2</sub>)+ 0,231 (X<sub>3</sub>).</strong> The results of the t test show the fact that the variables of Leadership Style, Compensation and Work Environment have a positive and significant effect on the Employee Performance of PDAM Tirta Moedal Semarang. Managerial implications in this research as input for leaders to be batter at improving employee performance.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> 2019-03-29T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PENGARUH PERSEPSI HARGA, KUALITAS PRODUK DAN KUALITAS LAYANAN TERHADAP KEPUASAN PELANGGAN PADA WARUNK UPNORMAL SEMARANG 2019-04-16T11:47:20+07:00 Tina Kristianti Alimuddin Rizal Rivai <p><em>This study aims to examine and analyze the effect of price perceptin, prouct quality and service quality on customer satisfaction at warunk upnormal Semarang. The research location was at warunk upnormal Semarang, with a sample of 100 respondents. The analysis tool used is multiple regression, as for testing the hypothesis using the t test. Data collection through questionnaires wisth measurement using a scala likert 5 (five) alternative answers. On probability sampling technique with purposive sampling data collection method. The purposive sampling criteria is respondents who have visited and bought in Semarang Upnormal Warunk at least 2 (two) times and have income. The result of the study show that: Price perception has a postive and significant effect on customer satisfaction, product quality has a postive and significant effect on customer satisfaction, and service quality has a positive and significant effect on customer satisfaction.</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> 2019-03-29T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PENGARUH NILAI PELANGGAN DAN KEPERCAYAAN TERHADAP KEPUASAN PELANGGAN KARTU HALO TELKOMSEL (STUDI PADA PELANGGAN KARTU HALO DI SEMARANG) 2019-04-16T11:50:11+07:00 Martea Hayu Nuraeni Bambang Sutejo <p><em>This study aims to analyze the influence of customer value and trust in customer satisfaction. This research was conducted at Grapari Telkomsel Semarang. The population in this study were TelkomHalo kartuHalo customers. The number of samples used in this study were 100 people. Data collection is done by questionnaire with purposive sampling technique. The data analysis technique used is multiple linear regression analysis to determine the effect of customer value variables and confidence in satisfaction of Telkomsel kartuHalo customers in Semarang. </em><em>The results of the study show that (1) customer value has a positive and significant effect on customer satisfaction (2) trust does not have a positive and significant effect on customer satisfaction.</em></p> 2019-03-29T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PENGARUH PERPUTARAN KAS, STRUKTUR MODAL DAN UKURAN PERUSAHAAN TERHADAP KINERJA PERUSAHAAN MANUFAKTUR YANG TERDAFTAR DI BURSA EFEK INDONESIA PERIODE 2015-2017 2019-04-16T11:53:28+07:00 Aninda Christianti sri Sudarsi <p><em>This study is a research that examines&nbsp; and analyse the effect of cash turn over, Capital Structure and firm size towards profitability (Return on Assets) of companies listed on Indonesia Stock Exchange 2015-2017. This study used purposive sampling method with sample size as 225 manufacture companies. Hypothesis testing using t-test with 5% significance level. </em><em>The result showed that cash turn over has negative significant effect toward Return on Assets, Capital structure has negative significant toward Return on Assets, while firm size has positive and significant effect toward Return on Assets.</em></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong><em>&nbsp;</em></strong></p> 2019-03-29T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PENGARUH BRAND IMAGE, PERSEPSI HARGA, CELEBRITY ENDORSER DAN KUALITAS PRODUK TERHADAP MINAT BELI (STUDI PADA KONSUMEN ICE CREAM WALLS DI SEMARANG) 2019-04-22T11:00:43+07:00 Muchamad Ansori R Basiya <p><em>This study examines the effect of brand image, perceived price, celebrity endorser and product quality on buying interest in Ice Cream Walls in Semarang. The sampling method uses purposive sampling with the 2017 research period. The relationship or influence between variables is explained using the multiple regression analysis method. The results showed that brand image, price perception, celebrity endorser, product quality had a positive effect on buying interest in Ice Cream Walls in Semarang</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> <p><strong><em>&nbsp;</em></strong></p> 2019-03-29T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PENGARUH KUALITAS PRODUK, KUALITAS LAYANAN DAN PERSEPSI HARGA TERHADAP KEPUASAN PELANGGAN (Studi Pada Gracia Skin Clinic Semarang) 2019-04-22T11:04:06+07:00 Meilawati Nur Wulansari suzy Widyasari <p><em>&nbsp;The purpose of this study is to analyze the effect of product quality, service quality, and price perception on customer satisfaction of Gracia Skin Clinic Semarang. Population in this research is consumers of Gracia Skin Clinic Semarang. The number of samples studied is as many as 100 respondents who use sampling technique by purposive sampling. Data testing techniques used include validity test with factor analysis, reliability test with alpha cronbach, and multiple regression analysis. The results in this study indicate that product quality, service quality, and price perception has positive and significant effect on customer satisfaction of Gracia Skin Clinic Semarang. Variable which has the greatest influence on customer satisfaction is the product quality.</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> 2019-03-29T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PENGARUH KUALITAS LAYANAN, PERSEPSI HARGA DAN CITRA PERUSAHAAN TERHADAP KEPUASAN PELANGGAN PUSAT KEBUGARAN WANITA (Studi Pada Pelanggan Em Studio Senam Semarang) 2019-04-22T11:06:29+07:00 Ulfatul Jannah suzy Widyasari <p><em>The purpose of this study is to analyze the effect of service quality, perceived value, and corporate image on customer satisfaction of womens fitness center at Em Studio Senam Semarang. Population in this research is customers who have been member&nbsp; for at least 3 months at Em Studio Senam Semarang. The number of samples studied is as many as 100 respondents sampling technique by purposive sampling. Data testing techniques used include validity test with factor analysis, reliability test with alpha cronbach, classic assumption test. The results in this study indicate that service quality has not significant effect on customer satisfaction, perceived value has significant effect on customer satisfaction, and corporate image has not significant effect on customer satisfaction. The variable that has the most influence on the customer satisfaction is the perceived value followed by corporate image and service quality</em><em>.</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> 2019-03-29T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PENGARUH DISIPLIN KERJA, KEPEMIMPINAN, DAN MOTIVASI TERHADAP KINERJA PEGAWAI (Studi Pada PT. Telkom Semarang) 2019-04-22T11:22:32+07:00 NIZAM NUR FAHMI Kasmari Kasmari <p><em>This study aims to analyze the influence of work discipline, leadership, and motivation to employee performance PT. Telkom Semarang. Types of data used are primary data is data obtained directly from the original source in the form of a questionnaire. Population in this research is employees of PT. Telkom Semarang. Sampling was done by Purposive Sampling technique with a total sample of 105 respondents. The Data collected were analyzed using analysis factor to test the validity of the question items, the reliability testing using cronbach alpha and hypothesis testing using multiple linear regression. The test results obtained that there is a positive and significant influence of labor discipline on employee performance, there is a positive and significant influence of leadership on employee performance, there is a positive and significant influence of motivation on employee performance.</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> 2019-03-29T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PENGARUH KUALITAS LAYANAN, PERSEPSI HARGA DAN CITRA PERUSAHAAN TERHADAP KEPUASAN PELANGGAN PUSAT KEBUGARAN WANITA (Studi Pada Pelanggan Em Studio Senam Semarang) 2019-04-23T11:36:41+07:00 Ulfatul Jannah Suzy Widyasari <p>The purpose of this study is to analyze the effect of service quality, perceived value, and corporate image on customer satisfaction of womens fitness center at Em Studio Senam Semarang. Population in this research is customers who have been member for at least 3 months at Em Studio Senam Semarang. The number of samples studied is as many as 100 respondents sampling technique by purposive sampling. Data testing techniques used include validity test with factor analysis, reliability test with alpha cronbach, classic assumption test. The results in this study indicate that service quality has not significant effect on customer satisfaction, perceived value has significant effect on customer satisfaction, and corporate image has not significant effect on customer satisfaction. The variable that has the most influence on the customer satisfaction is the perceived value followed by corporate image and service quality.</p> 2019-03-29T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PENGARUH CITRA MEREK DAN SUASANA TOKO TERHADAP KEPUASAN DAN DAMPAKNYA TERHADAP LOYALITAS PELANGGAN (STUDI PADA WENDY’S PARAGON MALL SEMARANG) 2019-04-26T10:35:15+07:00 Chiesa Faj’rin R Basiya <p><em>This </em><em>research </em><em>&nbsp;aim</em><em>s </em><em>to analyze the influence variables of brand image and store atmosphere </em><em>to</em><em> satisfaction and its impact on customer loyalty Wendy's Paragon Mall Semarang. The population in this </em><em>research were all </em><em>customers </em><em>of </em><em>&nbsp;fast food restaurant Wendy's Paragon Mall Semarang.</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Sampling </em><em>is determined </em><em>by using purposive sampling method with the criteria of: at least 17 year</em><em>s old</em><em>, and has a </em><em>second </em><em>purchase </em><em>minimum transaction with product consumption </em><em>at place (</em><em>On the Spot </em><em>) in </em><em>Wendy's Paragon Mall Semarang</em><em>. </em><em>This research is a quantitative type that uses primary and secondary data</em>. <em>The data </em><em>retrieval </em><em>methodin this study </em><em>uses</em><em> questionnaire which modified </em><em>by </em><em>Google Form </em><em>and distributed through </em><em>researchers</em><em>’ mobile phones</em><em> in</em><em> order to facilitate the respondents in filling out questionnaires. The samples obtained in this research </em><em>amount to</em><em> 111 respondents. This research analysis techniques uses validity</em><em> test</em><em>, reliability test, multiple linear analysis, F test, test the coefficient of determination and t test,&nbsp;</em><em> The results showed that the brand image and significant positive effect on satisfaction, store atmosphere posistf and significant effect on satisfaction, and satisfaction positive and significant impact on customer loyalty.</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> 2019-03-29T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PENGARUH KELENGKAPAN PRODUK, KUALITAS PRODUK, PERSEPSI HARGA DAN CITRA TOKO TERHADAP KEPUTUSAN PEMBELIAN. ( Studi Kasus di Toko Basmallah Kota Semarang ) 2019-04-26T10:40:01+07:00 Azzahra Ardewita Rissema Ali Maskur <p><em>This study examines the effect of product completeness, product quality,price perception and store image on purchasing decision (case study at Semarang Basmallah Shop)</em>. <em>The population in this study were consumers who had made purchase at the Basmallah Shop.</em> <em>Sampling technique with</em> <em>non probability sampling</em>. <em>This study uses a questionnaire as a data collection tool. Data analysis using multiple linear regression. The results of the study show that the product completeness variables have a significant positive effect on purchasing decision, product quality have no significant positive effect on purchasing decision</em><em>, </em><em>price perception have a significant positive effect on purchasing decision</em> <em>and</em> <em>store image have no significant positive effect on purchasing decision. </em></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong><em>&nbsp;</em></strong></p> 2019-03-29T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PENGARUH KUALITAS PRODUK DAN CITRA BANK TERHADAP KEPUASAN DAN DAMPAKNYA TERHADAP LOYALITAS NASABAH (Studi pada Nasabah Tabungan BNI Taplus pada BNI Cabang Tembalang, Semarang) 2019-04-26T10:49:38+07:00 Muhammad Fajar Utomo Euis Soliha <p><em>This study aims to analyze the effect of product quality, bank image on satisfaction and its impact on customer loyalty of Bank BNI Taplus Tembalang Semarang Branch. The population in this study are customers who conduct transaction activities using BNI Taplus products at BNI Bank Tembalang Branch Semarang. The number of samples studied was as many as 100 people selected as respondents using purposive sampling technique. Data collection methods used in this study are questionnaires filled in by respondents. The analysis used in this study is multiple linear regression analysis to examine the partial effect of each independent variable, namely product quality and bank image on the dependent variable, namely customer satisfaction and loyalty. The results of this study indicate that product quality and bank image have a positive and significant effect on customer satisfaction, followed by product quality, bank image and satisfaction have a positive and significant effect on customer loyalty Bank BNI Taplus Tembalang Branch Semarang.</em></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> 2019-03-29T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement##