• Moch. Irsad
  • Ceacilia Srimindarti
  • Sri Sudarsi
  • Kis Indriyaningrum
  • MG. Kentris Indarti


The main problem of MSMEs lies in poor business governance, this can be seen from the odd work system, the absence of financial reports, there is no separation between household finances and business, the determination of the cost of goods is not based on the overall operational costs, marketing activities have not been optimal. , and manual production activities and other problems. This causes very few MSMEs to survive with increasingly fierce competition. Poor business governance is due to the fact that business actors generally have low education, so they do not understand how the company is managed in terms of marketing, human resources, operations and finance.Given this problem, training in business management is needed for small businesses in order to increase knowledge and skills so that they can manage their business optimally. The results of the implementation can be said to run well, smoothly and 92% of participants stated that they really understood the material, 6% of participants understood the material, and 2% of participants understood enough.

 Key words: Marketing, Human Resources, Operations, Finance

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