• Kristina Anindita Hayuningtias Universitas Stikubank Semarang
  • Widhian Hardiyanti Universitas Stikubank Semarang
  • Ajeng Aquinia Universitas Stikubank Semarang


Design of packaging product is one of the determining factors in consumer purchasing decisions. Products that are neatly packaged and eye catching besides increasing the selling value of the product, can also attract the attention and interest of consumers to buy the product. Furthermore, the brand label printed on the package can also increase consumer brand awareness of the product. Moreover, in recent years the Government has appealed to business actors to use environmentally friendly packaging and reduce the use of plastic. Based on a survey conducted on target partners, namely the MSME Streetfood Boomber, the problem encountered was that the product packaging design was still simple and could not guarantee product quality for a long time. The solution that can be done to overcome this problem is to design an attractive product packaging design and be able to maintain product quality longer. The hope is to attract consumer interest in the product which will ultimately provide an optimal sales effect, so that in conditions of supply it can easily make sales as well as sell in real terms to minimize losses. The output target to be achieved is the creation of an eye-catching product packaging design using eco- friendly materials.

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